Coronavirus in Udmurtia 2020: cases, diseased, latest news


Updated April 29.

The coronavirus pandemic continues to occupy leading positions in news reports and shock citizens of different countries with statistical data and invariably growing the number of infected worldwide. The disease reached the scale of the tragedy in European countries and the United States. In some regions of Russia, local authorities are trying to prevent the tragic scenario and take all necessary measures. The editorial office of 24cmi prepared material on the situation on coronavirus in the Republic of Udmurtia.

Cases of Coronavirus in Udmurtia

The first 2 cases of coronavirus infection were registered in the Republic of March 22, 2020. The first patient "brought" a virus from Switzerland, the second patient came from Hungary. March 27 infection was confirmed in two relatives of the first patients.

In the city of Glazov, the first case of infection was revealed on April 13th. A positive result was given analyzes of a resident of the city, which returned from Moscow.

The latest news from the region indicate an increase in the number of infected. As of April 29. 217 cases of coronavirus disease in Udmurtia were recorded. 28 patients managed to cure, 6 deaths were registered.

Situation in Udmurtia

Alexander Brechavov assured citizens of the republic that "there are no reasons for panic and anxiety." Also, the authorities of the region stated that they would fight those who distribute fake news on the Internet and injected panic among the inhabitants of the region.

Significant information about the situation on Coronavirus in the Udmurt Republic Residents of the region can receive for free by telephone hotline 8 (800) 100-24-47 and on the website of Rospotrebnadzor.

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Coronavirus and consequences: what awaits people

The food warehouses of the region have a sufficient stock of products, also stated in the republic's readiness of medical institutions to the emergence of patients long before the first infection cases registered in the region.

In early March, the deficit of masks and protection means was observed in the pharmacies of Udmurtia. The need for residents and organizations in protective masks in April is fully covered by local manufacturers. In state pharmacies allowed to sell no more than 5 masks in some hands.

Disinfection of stops and transport, entrances and other public places is carried out.


From March 18, the head of Udmurtia signed a decree on the introduction of an increased readiness regime.

From March 28, nightclubs, saunas, foodcorts, pools, non-food shops and other mass places are closed. In kindergartens, there is a free visiting regime. Schools after the spring vacation switched to distance learning. A similar solution was taken in some universities of the region.

Since March 31, self-insulation regime for citizens of all ages is operating in the republic.

From April 5, the CPP began to work for 7 tracks of the republic, which control the entrance and departure to the region and the capital Izhevsk.

On April 11, the authorities of the region introduced quarantine in Malaya Purga and the village of Bagrass-Biggra in connection with the deterioration of the situation on coronavirus in the Udmurt Republic. A resident of the District felt bad after a trip to Izhevsk. The circle of contacts of the diseased turned out to be impressive, and the mistakes of medical staff were allowed to hospitalize the sick, which had to take extreme measures. The mode provides for the special order of car pass.

The city clinical hospital number 1 in Izhevsk is closed for quarantine from April 10 after receiving positive test results to Coronavirus in 2 patients. On the observation there are 140 patients and medical staff. It is organized delivery of products and necessary things.

The second clinic of Izhevsk works in a limited mode, it turned out that patients from GKB No. 1 also came here.

Latest news

On April 14, it became known that Udmurtia no longer need to send analyzes of patients to Coronavirus to Moscow. The Office of Rospotrebnadzor of the Republic received the right to announce the test results on their own, the answers will be issued every day.

On April 13, the head of the Republic, Alexander Brechalov, limited the entry and departure from the cities. Those who return home from Moscow and St. Petersburg prescribed to comply with the two-week self-insulation regime and notify Rospotrebnadzor by calling a hotline.

From April 17, the eye will limit the entry for citizens who have no urban registration. A similar ban from April 20 will be introduced in Izhevsk, Sarapul, Mozhga and Votkinsk.

From April 17, will close to visit the temples of the republic.

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