Robin Shu - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



American actor Robin Shu, famous for the film "Deadly Battle," is not only a showman, but also a master of martial arts. Each time its appearance on the screen guarantees the presence of spectacular tricks that are harmoniously combined with talent in the expression of emotions and feelings.

Childhood and youth

Robin Shu appeared on July 17, 1960 and at birth received a name that sounded like sho van. His parents were the Chinese living in British Hong Kong, and the actor who did not forget about the origin visits the Motherland so far.

In the family where the boy was brought up, there were still four brothers and sisters, and the mother, who had not worked anywhere, carefully watched the children. The father was engaged in a sewing business in the posts of professional tailor and, despite the tough character, was distinguished by a sense of justice.

In the early 1970s, Robin's relatives moved to the United States of America, and a gifted son in addition to Cantonese learned English. At first, the guy experienced difficulties in communicating with the peers in school, but thanks to the abilities and perseverance, it is quickly accustomed to everything.

In the 19th year, Shu began to study in the karate school in California, but then threw these training, because I became interested in Wushu. Deciding to achieve perfection in this form of martial arts, he went to respected sensations to the Chinese province of Jiangsu.

Favorite species for the future Hollywood actor at that time were fighting with weapons, as well as a hand-to-hand fight. But he did not reach the prestigious competition and, by reflection over his own biography, invented a way to make money without separation from the struggle.

Personal life

As the actor does not lead an "instagram" and does not postpone the photo on social networks, almost nothing knows about his family and personal life. There is one of the few Robin pictures with his wife Anna and a small son, which was made on the Kung Fu Cowboy Military Plant.


In his youth, graduating from the University of Los Angeles in the specialty "Civil Engineering", Shu began a career in the show business, going to this in Hong Kong. At first, he was invited to low-budget projects, such as the "big deal" and "Casino races". Such a state of affairs did not suit the novice actor, and he in search of popularity and glory decided to go to Hollywood. He was taken to the role of Liang Huna in the television film "Forbidden Nights", where the other main characters played Melissa Gilbert and Stephen Fung.

After this work, the director noticed that Shu is similar to Jackie Chan, and began to give him a place in the militants, where knowledge was required by the Wushu technique. The actor recreated the image of the central villain in the 2nd part of the "tiger cell" and appeared in the detective "Pistols and Roses" as a young guy named Jinshui.

By the mid-1990s, the Shu filmography consisted of episodes in the base of Hong Kong Cinema and the military series of British TV. But then the situation has changed, and Robin began to write in newspapers after entering the Mortal Kombat project, based on a computer game.

Becoming the main character of the "deadly battle", filmed with the help of advanced technologies, Shu, finally, was able to demonstrate stage skills and talent. He looked well in the acting team, where stars such as Talis Soto, Bridget Wilson, Francois Petit and Christopher Lambert.

In early 1997, becoming recognizable and famous, Master Wushu repeated the image of the hero named Liu Kahn. But the continuation of Mortal Kombat received crushing reviews of critics, because the creators did not pay attention to any dialogues or special effects.

True, some scenes of fights between the main characters became separate video clips that had short-term success. The rollers were accompanied by the music of Rammstein and Scooter groups, as well as less popular PitchShifter and Kmfdm teams.

The filming of the film laid the beginning of the sunset of the acting career Robin, who every year was less and less invited to starve into playing cinema. Possessing a sufficient number of time, he made the author's project about Caskets, where he made a producer, screenwriter and director.

Robin Shu now

Now Robin Shu, located in good shape and with growth of 183 cm weighing 77 kg, is fond of pottery and continues to play sports so that in future movies to give a worthy to repulse to the masters.

Despite the fact that news about the actor appear on the Internet quite rarely, it continues to work as an actor and director. In 2019, Action Dead Mule Suitcase and the Drama "City of Angelov" were called among the prepared projects.


  • 1988 - "Cell of Death"
  • 1990 - "Cypriot Tigers"
  • 1991 - "Rage in Red"
  • 1995 - "Deadly Battle"
  • 1997 - "Ninja from Beverly Hills"
  • 1997 - "Deadly Battle - 2: Extermination"
  • 1998 - "Beyond the Possible"
  • 2006 - "DOA: Live or Dead"
  • 2008 - "Death Race"
  • 2011 - "Death Race - 2: Frankenstein alive"
  • 2012 - "Death Race - 3: Hell"

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