Vladimir Studentov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Human Human Hope Babkin



Vladimir Sitevyev - Soviet and Russian musician, drummer who collaborated with popular Via. A man knows a wide public as a spouse of the People's Singer of Hope Babkina. Almost until the end of the life, he remained devoted to the world of music, he spoke with tour both in Russia and abroad.

Childhood and youth

There are no information about children's and youth years in the artist's biography. Fame came to Vladimir much later, so there are no sources telling about the early period of the musician's life. The photo of the drummer is not preserved when he was a child.

Personal life

The personal life of the artist was bright and stormy. The Nadezhda Babkin became the first wife of the musician. According to the artist, she herself chose her husband for himself, seeing in the crowd. Then young people, each with their team, went on tour in Central Asia, where cultural days were held.

The flight was delayed, and hope along with his friends to pass the time, came up with an entertainment game - suggested searching for "his" men at the airport. The view of the singer attracted a pretty guy, dressed in fashion, in a coat from a tweet.

Later it turned out that performers fly in one plane. Babkina became the initiator of dating, and after the speeches, returning to Moscow, the couple began to meet. Relationships developed rapidly, and lovers thought about the wedding.

The solemn event was postponed several times due to touric charts of the other side. In 1974, marriage was held, and in January 1975 the son of Daniel was born. Being in kind of fond, Vladimir has changed his spouse. In 2020, in the transfer of "Million's Secret", Nadezhda Georgievna reported that the husband did not remain true even when she was pregnant.

The singer herself became the evidence of Ajulter, when 2 weeks remained before the birth. On New Year's Eve, one of the girlfriends remained in the apartment of spouses after the departure of other guests. With this girl and found the artist of the spouse in bed. The fact of treason is so shocked by the future mother that in the state of affect she wanted to immediately commit suicide. Make it her prevented the movement of the child - singer singered, made himself in his hands.

Later, the young actress focused on the child, which helped her away from the events. Soon, the musical career of hope went uphill: The "Russian Song" ensemble gave many concerts, the popularity of the team grew, and the husband of the meeting, who took the surname of her husband, became a soloist.

In the family, conflicts on the basis of creativity became increasingly. When young people just met, Vladimir was a famous musician. The guy worked in one of the most sought-after VIA 70s "Pie, Song" and earned more beloved. At the beginning of the 80s, the situation changed: Babkina went to the fore, constantly toured, gaining real fame. Her photos appeared in magazines and newspapers.

The meeting appeared the creative envy of his wife's successes - the bright "Cossack Nadia" was the focus of attention of the press, and to him as a drummer had to remain in the posterior positions. On this basis, quarrels often arose in a pair.

Vladimir Studyer and Son Daniel

The final point in the relationship of the spouses was delivered by an accident, which almost took the life of Daniel. A 16-year-old teenager, along with a friend, went to ride the car in the Moscow Snow-covered Moscow. At some point, the young man's buddy did not cope with the control, and the car flew into the tree. Injuries received by the son of Babkina were so serious that the young man fell into someone.

During the location of Daniel Sitezhev in the hospital, Nadezhda Georgievna was constantly near. Vladimir never visited the child. Later, the singer, preparing documents for a trip abroad, learned that the husband managed not only to divorce her, but also marry another woman.

Albina Levchenko became the new chief of the musician. The drummer became acquainted with a pretty blonde when he worked in the team of Lion Leshchenko "Spectrum". Alla performed in the ensemble as a vocalist. The marriage turned out to be successful - the spouses lived together until the death of Vladimir. He continued to communicate with his father and Daniel. The last time Babkin and the meeting met in 2007 at the wedding of the Son.


In the field of music, Vladimir made a successful career. In the 70s began playing in popular VIA "Piya, Song". The team often toured, represented such hits as "goodbye", "where you were", "native land" and others. At that time, the group gave concerts not only in the Union, but also abroad. Here the young man showed himself as a talented performer.

Later, the drummer moved to Via "Red Maki", where he played several years. After collaboration with the team of Lev Leshchenko, the "Spectrum" musician was hitting the presidential estate-symphonic orchestra under the control of Paul Ovsyannikov. In recent years, he toured in Germany.


In old age, the artist began problems with the heart, the man was treated in the central clinical hospital. At the same time, he did not cease to engage in music, act. At the end of May 2012, returning home after fishing, the attitudes of predicted rest and no longer woke up. The cause of death began to stop the heart. The musician died at the age of 64.

The funeral was hoped by Georgievna. The singer agreed that the meeting was buried next to the grave of the parents of the former husband on the Pyatnitsky cemetery. People's artist, by that time found happiness with Evgeny Gor, forgave Vladimir Evgenievich offense.

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