The film "Forbidden Area" (2020): Actors, Roles, Release Date, Interesting Facts


Recently, the topic of the Chernobyl catastrophe has gained popularity in cinema. Now the Belarusian version of the terrible tragedy with Darya Melnikova is in the lead role. The film "Forbidden Zone" was created by the director Mitri Semenov-Aleinikov. Release date Film in Russia - April 30, 2020. The editorial office of 24cmi prepared material about the plot, actors and interesting facts about the "forbidden zone".


1986 - a year when a terrible catastrophe occurred, who defeated the lives of people. In the spring of those years, the reactor was exploded at the Chernobyl NPP and all the blooming neighboring areas became the zone of alienation. The plot tells about the time after the ecological catastrophe. The Kiev region has become unsuitable for life, but this dead earth is still marauds, tourists and adventurers. These people in the hunt for valuable things and drive are not at all afraid of infection, the company that will be in the center of the plot, including.

Six young people went on a dangerous journey into unfamiliar places. Four guys and two girls, overlooking the river, turn out to be in the forbidden zone, and they do not bother them. The group decided to continue his way, because the usual journey becomes more and more interesting. The guys decided to walk and inspect everything in the forbidden zone. Strange things are taking place with the company, they find a non-residential village, in which a mysterious person is hiding. The stranger dies due to the fault of the main characters under random circumstances. After his death, there is a bag packed with money. Now on the shoulders of young guys hanging murder and other people's money.

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Daria Melnikova - Lida;

Alexander Golovin - Arthur;

Daniel Vakhrushev - Monia;

Sergey Sosnovsky - Grandfather Anisim;

Pavel Chinarev - Alexey;

Irina worryanova - Zhanna;

Sergey Tolkach - Grisha;

Julianna Mikhnevich - Mama Arthur;

Igor Sidorchik - Rafa driver;

Nikita Provalinsky - Pasha (Brother Arthur);

Pavel Ovsyannikov - killed Marauder.

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Interesting Facts

  1. Belarusian cinematographers worked on the film "Forbidden zone".
  2. Slogan paintings: "Here everyone for himself."
  3. The shooting of the "Forbidden zone" was held in Minsk, at the Kirov factory and in different forests near the city. And also in the children's abandoned camp on the road to Zaslavl and the picturesque bank of the Vilia River near Smargon.
  4. This is the second director's work of the 29-year-old Mitry Semenov-Aleinikov, but as a screenwriter he made his debut in this movie cornocar.
  5. The company "Media Cube" and the Ministry of Culture of Belarus worked on the ribbon, and its rolled for the video service MEGOGO.
  6. "Forbidden zone" - the first Belarusian film about the tragedy at the Chernobyl NPP.
  7. When the film crew was preparing for the project, they had a chance to communicate with one of the liquidators of the catastrophe, he helped them with positiveness.
  8. In kinocartee, 35 dogs were shot, which portrayed wild animals inhabiting the forbidden zone. Mitrines Semenov-Aleinikov argued that the scene with them seemed to him the most difficult.
  9. In one interview, the director admitted that a long time could not cause emotions from Belarusian actors, he even had to break the furniture to see fear. In Moscow, such problems were not observed.
  10. The announcement of the project initially mentioned the name "Against the current".
  11. Producer George Malkov shared with journalists that their cinema is a metaphor of changes that occurred in those years when people had to adapt to the world in which money they rule.
  12. Mitrines Semenov-Aleinikov said that in this film, the audience will surprise the unexpected finale.
  13. Producer Andrei Lipov confessed to the interview that those who had already looked this film praised him and compared with such thrillers as "not breathing" and "quiet place."
  14. The composer of the "Forbidden Zone" was Alik Mkhoyan.
  15. The director noted the game of the child-actor Nikita Provalinsky, who fulfilled the role of brother of the main character.
  16. The episode with the raft of Mitrine considers one of the most difficult in the entire shooting process. This scene was shot on the swamp, so the operator could get bogged together with the equipment. His choice of the era of the 80s, the creator justified by interest by this time. Changes that occurred in the world, the beginning of the collapse of the USSR and people seeking new landmarks - these are topics, affected by the director.

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