Stars, which ruins Coronavirus: Russian, show business, quarantine, self-insulation


Coronavirus Pandemic in 2020 changed the usual way of life of ordinary people and celebrities in Russia and other countries. Hairdressers, sellers and representatives of other professions remained without work and do not know how to feed children and cat, and artists and celebrities of movies and show business because of the coronavirus tolerate million losses and are trying to earn without leaving home.

The editorial office 24cmi amounted to a selection of stars that coronavirus ruined.

Lyubov Uspenskaya

Forced self-insulation did not bestly affect the financial affairs of the singer's love of the Assumption. The star is on the verge of ruin and in despair came up with an original way to improve their position on quarantine: the subscribers in "Instagram" Assumption proposed to take advantage of the video spending service in its execution.
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Сейчас обстоятельства во многом диктуют. Приходится отменять или переносить массу мероприятий, свадеб, юбилеев и других празднований. Но, все таки, есть кое-что, что поможет вам сделать этот день памятным! Все рано или поздно заканчивается, а память всегда остаётся с нами️ И я хочу вам в этом помочь! Порадовать близких, друзей или коллег️ Я с радостью запишу для вас видео-поздравление, которое навсегда останется с вами, будет неожиданным, подарит улыбку и приятные эмоции За подробностями вы можете обратиться к моей PR-команде Контакты указаны в шапке профиля️ ⠀ #happy #celebrarion #моментысчастья #успенская #радость

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Elena Sparrow

Russian humorist Elena Sparrow is on the verge of bankruptcy due to coronavirus. Left without work, like other stars of show business, the celebrity is forced to go to extreme measures to find livelihoods. Sparrow decided to sell the cottage in Montenegro, but buyers for elite real estate, which humorist estimated at 24 million rubles, until they were found.

Tatiana Bulanova

One of the stars that Coronavirus ruined, the singer Tatyana Bulanova became. In early April, the artist fell into the hospital with suspicion of stroke. On the eve of the star star admitted that he experienced financial difficulties in connection with the current situation. Left without touring and concerts, Bulanov lost its work and source of income. Tatiana told that she worries her most, how to pay a mortgage and what to live next.

Maxim Fadeev and Glucose

In April 2020, it became known about the bankruptcy of the film studio of Maxim Fadeev and Natalia Ionova. Stars of show business do not indicate that it is Coronavirus that caused the ruin, and until they comment to journalists about the situation. However, some suggest that the pandemic played a role and became one of the reasons for financial problems and bankruptcy.

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Oksana Samoilova

Similar problems are experiencing the owner of another fashionable brand and the ex-wife of Raper Dagged. On the mother of four children, problems have collapsed from all sides: Oksana has to simultaneously engage in children, divorce with her husband and save business. The clothing store, which Oksana owns, is closed from April 6, and in it there is a sale of commodity residues.


The founder of the Black Star musical label and the owner of the Barbers and Burger Network in Russia, Timati also encountered financial difficulties due to coronavirus. Concerts and tour were canceled in March, and the rest of the establishments still worked for some time. Now the participants of the Black Star label are experiencing a difficult period, having lost their fees, and the burgers are trying to survive due to the delivery of orders for the house.

Anna Sedokova

The Ukrainian singer, living in Russia, like other stars, has canceled all concerts due to quarantine and keeps self-isolation. In addition to the fees, Sedokova lost other sources of income and also hit the list of stars, which coronavirus broke. Business stars are associated with the creation of clothes and because of the pandemic is now experiencing difficult times. Sales fell significantly, but Sedokova does not dismiss its employees and even tries to help others need financially.

Sergey Glushko

Not so long ago, Sergey Glushko complained that the artists during a pandemic live much worse than retirees. According to Tarzan, the state does not think at all about cultural workers, as grandparents are now receiving pensions, and celebrities - nothing. He also noted that the stars were most affected because of the situation with Coronavirus, as their activity implies mass events that will be allowed not yet soon.

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