What to do if I infected with coronavirus: where to start, instruction, measures


Updated August 4th

Coronavirus continues to march to the world, so it is so important to know what actions to take when you feel unreason. What to do if I got coronavirus, how to distinguish the symptoms and where to start treatment - in the material 24cm.

Determine symptoms

People die from influenza every year, this is because the viruses have a mutual property. What was treated before, may not affect the changed disease. Influenza and allergies are similar to the disease COVID-19. To distinguish it from the rest of ORVI, the heat, dry cough and the difficulty in breathing are the first three symptoms accompanying coronavirus.

They distinguish it from other similar diseases. High temperatures and dry cough are when a person suffers from allergies and flu, and with a cold, these symptoms are rarely manifested. Heavy breathing is also often tormented by allergies, and with the above, there is no such agence. Various pains are rarely with coronavirus, and the flu is famous for them. But the main thing is that, in contrast to the cold and the like, with COVID-19 people do not sneeze.

Call in ambulance

Now if you are facing the question of what to do if I got coronavirus. If you still noticed the first symptoms, the instruction for you is simple: you need to call doctors to the house. Because the hospital visit will be unsafe for other people. You can confirm the diagnosis to infect patients. You need to call an ambulance with an infectious clinic.


If you recognized the symptoms of COVID-19, then in no case do not self-medication. The sick need to pass the analysis for this virus. Doctors explore the smear from the nose and the rotogling, they are carried out by molecular genetic diagnostics, waiting time is 4 hours - and it all free. They are carried out at the center of hygiene and epidemiology, but independently analyzes do not give up.

The person is checked if he returned from an infected country or communicated with such people. And also diagnose persons in contact with patients. In order not to get caught on the marketing fishing rod of a private clinic, know, they do not conduct research on COVID-19.


Another point in the instructions - self-insulation. The best way out is to sit at home with reserves of antiseptics and masks in case of exit. So that people do not distribute the virus, temporarily banned all the events. It is also not recommended to go out to the street to pensioners, because they are in the risk area.

The website of the Ministry of Health warns about the responsibility that every person carries, when not observing sanitary and epidemiological norms. For this, legislation provides for the law (Art. 236 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), for whose violation is facing a fine and imprisonment.


The doctor will decide for you what to do if I infected with coronavirus. If you have the symptoms of this disease, you will be put in the hospital for quarantine in any case. The decision on hospitalization accepts a doctor who inspects you.

If you have confirmed the diagnosis of COVID-19, you will be released only in the absence of symptoms of the disease or with a twofold negative result of the analyzes. During the quarantine, relatives cannot be visited by patients, but they can use phones and other means of communication. Natives transfer personal belongings and feeding infected, but also there are some prohibitions.

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