Berta Morizo ​​- Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Pictures



The pleasant niece of Jean-Onor Fragonar, the painter, who worked in the second half of the 18th century, the artist Berta Morizo ​​lived a short, but a bright life. In 2013, the Impressionist web "after dinner" went out of the hammer at the "Cristia" auction for almost $ 11 million.

Childhood and youth

The artist was born in the winter of 1841 in the city of Bourges in the family of the Prefect of the Cher Department and was the youngest of the three sisters of Morizo. Almost 5 years after the birth of Berth, the mother of girls pleased the spouse of the birth of a long-awaited son, named after Father Tiburous.

The first lessons of drawing daughters gave Mom - the grandchildren of the artist's artist in the style of Rococo. The French school of fine arts in the middle of the 19th century was trained only by representatives of a strong sex, and the Father, who became a member of the Accounts Chamber hired teacher's girls - the painter Joseph Gishar. Soon the teacher told the official that his daughters would become artists, and asked whether it would not be a catastrophe for the Morizo ​​bourgeois family.

The forecast of Hishar came true partially. The older sister Berta IV is known mainly as a model. The Metropolitan Museum stores a portrait of a woman written by the prominent representative of Impressionism Edgar Degas. The image of Yves is also captured in the work of 1872 "Woman and child on the balcony". The biography of the middle sister EDMA in his youth was associated with painting, however, having married, the lady abandoned Molbert.

Personal life

In 1868, in Louvre, the painter Henri-Fantanete Lattat was introduced to Morizo's sisters with Kumir Parisman Edward Man. According to researchers, Bert and the author "Breakfast on the grass" tied not only painting, but also mutual love.

Artists painted each other, and the appearance of Morizo ​​is known for the portrait of Eduard's brush than in the photo. However, a man was married to the pianist Susanny Sayenhoff - the former mistress of his late father.

In 1874, Berta married Brother Eduard Ezhen, and in 1878 gave birth to Juli's daughter. The girl is captured on the portraits created by Mother, Uncle and Pierre Auguste Renoir.


In 1864, the pictures of Berth and EDME were first exhibited at the Paris Painting Exhibition. It's hard to judge the early work of Morizo, because in maturity, the artist destroyed his youthful work.

Among the pictures of Berth are portraits, landscapes and scenes of boating. Woman painted with oil, pastel and watercolor. The works of the artist are usually small in size and easy to composition. Despite the cozy plots of Morizo ​​paintings, almost everyone is imprinting sadness and melancholy.

Features of creative manners Berth - expansion of white shades and non-examination of the edges of the canvas, giving work the illusion of spontaneity. In the late 80s of the 19th century, the artist moved to oblong winding strokes.


The artist died late in the evening of the first spring day of 1895. The cause of early death was a pulmonary disease, about the nature of which disputes are going. According to one version, the life of Berth buried the flu, on the other - syphilis, which a woman infected her husband.

The artist is buried at the Passy Cemetery. Despite the rich creative heritage, in the death certificate, Morizo ​​wrote "without profession," and on the tombstone, "the widow of Ezhen Mane" was carved.


  • 1869 - "Harbor in Lorient"
  • 1872 - "Cradle"
  • 1872 - "Woman and child on the balcony"
  • 1873 - "Reading"
  • 1874 - "Butterflies Hunt"
  • 1875 - "Eugene Mane on White Island"
  • 1876 ​​- "Psyche"
  • 1879 - Summer Day
  • 1879 - "Boats on Seine"
  • 1880 - "Young girl putting on stockings"
  • 1881 - "After lunch"
  • 1891 - "Pink Anemones"
  • 1894 - "Young girl in a green raincoat"

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