Capital (character) - pictures, image, cartoon, description, wolf


Character History

Capital - a character of the Soviet cartoon, a small droplet of water. This hero charges positive, gives joy and good mood. In each subject, the cap sees the source of inspiration, and all living beings become friends for a character. Droplet gets acquainted with a wolf and helps to cope with the calendous problems with problems.

History of character creation

The hero of the animation film is invented by the screenwriter Natalia Guseayeva. The writer itself admitted that he loves nature, and, creating an image of a funny character, inspired by the rain. The visual image of the droplet embodied by the artist Heinrich Usmansky. The first cartoon film appeared in 1980 - the project was created on the Ukrainian studio "Kiev accepted". Two versions of the fairy tales appeared at the box office - in Russian and Ukrainian.

Since the character is not only a mischievous and cheerful, but also musical, especially for him, not only spoken text was written, but also vocal parties. With the voice of the song Capacital, the soloists of the choral chapel of the Ukrainian radio. The appearance of the hero presented a blue ball with eyes and a smile - the magician in the first cartoon notes that the new friend resembles a kolobkin.

Since the first part of the story ends on the fact that the droplet leaves the house of the Voltochka, the creators of the animation ribbon decided to make a continuation. In 1989, the second part was published "Come back, Capitstni!". This cartoon added new characters - the crow and aunt of the Voltochonka.

History and image of capital

Capital dwells along with other droplets in a big rain cloud. When the rain begins, the hero turns out to be on the ground and begins to play and have fun, reviving everything around. Rainbow appears from the presence of the character, flowers and mushrooms begin to grow. Once a cloud passes over the forest, where a small magician lives. This hero knows what belongs to the kind of wolves, and therefore seeks to work out ferocity and malice.

This art is learned by the kid on a special book. There are pictures and descriptions explaining how the real harsh wolf should rinse the mouth, which posture to take to look slightly and frightening. But since the gray hero is kind on his nature, the transformation into an evil wolf is not too successfully. In the midst of learning in the house to the Volcchonka, the cap is knocking. The droplet is glad to meet a new forest inhabitant, wants to play with him.

The baby does not understand what a strange and cheerful creature appeared in his house. Volchonok tries to catch a droplet, pour the "guest" into the Chan with water - but the laughing rain hero appears again and again. Gradually, the wolfpock penetrates confidence in a new friend, understands that you can live and rejoice - it is not necessary to be scary and dangerous for the rest. But soon the rain cloud appears, and the Capitstnie returns to hair rain.

The wolf bottom is sad without a fun friend, often looks out the window, and a portrait of a rain appears on the house wall. During this time, a small hero has time to make friends with other forest inhabitants, but no one is so naughty and joyfully, as with the cap. The moment comes when the droplet sends a gray friend to the telegram, which reports that he will soon appear in the forest. This telegram should deliver a local crow, however, in a collision with a tetushka, a bird loses a sheet.

Tetushka-Wolf comes specifically to check how nephew learns to show serability and malice. To displeasure, the heroine discovers that the kid is kind and gentle. A little wolf is friends with hares, instead of hunting them. And at that moment, when the wolf decides to take the re-education of the nephew, Capitobus appears. Tetushka is not glad to this guest. The lady in every way tends to get rid of a wolf snap, a sazing droplet in a cage, putting a trap on it.

But the rain successfully eludes wolf. I realized that it was useless to fight buddies, aunt in a hurry is going to leave the house. But the Capitok again it is time to leave - a cloud is coming, in which the rains are already waiting for the character. After the hero flies down, the crow arrives a crow, which found a telegram from the hero. In the message, the droplet reports that he will soon be visiting a gray baby. And this news again gives a little wolf hope for a meeting with the old friend.


I am a warm rain of gold, / running of the driver, / flower and grass can be / wash and get drunk. Bowls - this is me, / And all around my friends, / and my song sounds, / like bell streams! I chi chi chi- Hee Hee, I ha ha ha ha ha, / with me, friends, fun, / I so, I'll laugh, / that I am Lopno myself from laughter!


  • 1980 - "Capital"
  • 1989 - "Come back, Capitstni!"

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