Jean-Batist Shaden - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Pictures



The artist Jean-Batist Simeon Charden was considered a recognized master of genre painting, as well as the best colorist of the XVIII century, who continued the traditions of Dutch masters. Instead of perfect mythological heroes, he painted portraits of middle-class representatives and created a series of realistic still lifes in the middle of the 18th century.

Childhood and youth

Jean-Batist Simeon Charden was born on November 2, 1699 and never over 80 years of life left the capital of France - Paris. As a child, the father, a carpeting on a tree, noticed that the son was fond of drawing, and gave it to the students to the master to support family prestige.

Once by the guardian of Noel Quapel, who was an artist and engraver, the boy settled near the house at the old territory of Saint-Germain de Pre. As an assistant and assistant, he portrayed small objects in the paintings and trained in writing still lifes, collected from things in the courtyard.

Sometimes the teacher sent Sharden to a colleague Jean-Batistu Bathista Loo, which restored the palace murals in the Font Bllo residence, and in his free time, the future painter had painted vegetables and at the end of the studies created a number of talented works.

In order to achieve creative perfection, the young master joined the artist guild and for a number of years his biography was connected with the Academy of St. Luke. There, he honed his own style and manner, continuing to write in inanimate objects from nature, and the best of the paintings of the time began to enter the exhibitions.

Personal life

The artist was not lucky in his personal life, and she was full of tragedies related to the death of spouses and death of native children. For the first time, he concluded a marriage contract, being at a young age, and his wife was the girl Margarita, who helped in the work until recent days.

After the beloved spouse did not suffer severe illness, and after this, the funeral of the little daughter Margarita-Anise, Jean-Baptiste was held together with his son, baptized in November 1731, who also became a painter and helped the Father survive stress.

Later, when the financial situation of Sharden left much to be desired, he went to his wife a wealthy heiress named Francoise Margarita Puzh. A child who died in infant age appeared in this union and gained peace at the Paris cemetery among thousands of innocent souls.


After the first demonstration of the works of students, Jean-Baptiste became known to the French public, and the original still life with a skate became interested in Nikola de Laziller. Having come to the workshop and watching other miniatures of Parisian, he chose liked the canvas, determining each as a masterpiece.

In 1728, Sharden was invited to the Academy of Painting and Sculpture to participate in the exhibition of local artists, as well as Dutch and Flemish masters. As a result, he became a member of the Royal Institution for the Creators of the "old regime" and was listed on the lists with the mark "Finders and Fruits".

After that, genre scenes began to appear in the work of Jean-Batista, the central characters of which were the third estate and middle class. During this period, the paintings of life and everyday French life were born, which soon acquired the attention of the masses.

Despite the simplicity of the plots, Charred acquired high-ranking patrons, among which were aristocrats and Louis XV himself. They liked how the artist depicts women engaged in everyday work, plants, accessories for hunting and children who were passionate about the game.

Carefully thinking the topic and composition, the painter was distinguished by a slow pace of work and, according to biographers and researchers, wrote no more than four pictures per year. Therefore, in galleries and private collections, according to catalogs and photo albums, a little more than 200 original works are now stored and exhibited.

In addition, at the end of the 1730s, Jean-Batist began coping his own works, creating several versions of the same genre scenes. So duplicates were duplicated by the "Card House", "good education", "Self-portrait", "Still Life with Fruit", "Governess" and Madame Charden.

In the 1750s, the sights of the painter began to deteriorate, and he preferred to work as a pastel, which did not require drawing and accurate strokes. This period includes the canvas, which are now highly appreciated and are in the meeting of the Louvre and English manor Wordfendon.


In old age, Jean-Baptiste again experienced a shock, having learned that the Son committed suicide and drowned in the Venetian Canal aged 42 years. This led to a long sick, which caused the death of the artist, and the news that appeared in December 1779, wicked all the French light.


  • 1728 - "Skat"
  • 1732 - "Lady, Sealing Letter"
  • 1735 - "Boochka"
  • 1738 - "Draftsman"
  • 1741 - "Girl with a Waica"
  • 1750 - "Still-life with a glass vessel and fruit"
  • 1763 - "Still Life with Brichoke"
  • 1763 - "Still life with a porcelain jug"
  • 1766 - "Still life with attributes of arts"
  • 1775 - "Self-portrait in glasses"
  • 1775 - "Portrait of Mrs. Charrad"

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