Coronavirus in Bryansk 2020: Latest News, Ill, Situation, Quarantine


Updated April 29.

Coronavirus in Bryansk was first discovered on March 22 2020. How the situation in the border city and the details of the COVID-19 outbreak in the region are in the material 24cm.

Cases of Coronavirus in Bryansk

The first sick coronavirus infection in Bryansk was found on March 22, 2020. A zero patient was a resident of Bryansk, who returned from the United Arab Emirates.

How to act if it has infected with coronavirus: detailed instructions

How to act if it has infected with coronavirus: detailed instructions

The patient was hospitalized in the Bryansk Infectious Hospital No. 1. Incontrolled with an infected coronavirus put on quarantine to the observational hospital.

On the April 29 2020 In the region, the number of patients with COVID-19 is 783 people. Disposable with an improvement in 163 people, 4 deaths.

According to the Operational Staff of the Bryansk Region, 5384 studies have been conducted for the presence of SARS-COV-2. Coronavirus tests in the region are made in the KVD, the center of AIDS, the diagnostic center, in Rospotrebnadzor. Weekly analyzes on COVID-19 surpasses medical staff.

Situation in Bryansk

By order of the governor of the Bryansk region, Alexander Bogomaz, from March 17, 2020, a mode of increased readiness was introduced. From April 4, a bandwidth has been established in the region, which caused the discussion among the population. Local media from April 15 re-explain to citizens the need for extreme measures and conduct an analogy with an electronic pass regime in Moscow. The press emphasizes that the measure is aimed at identifying unfair employers.

On behalf of the governor, prevention measures in apartment buildings are strengthened. Potions, tambura, elevator cabins are treated with a disinfecting composition, effective with flashes of viral infections. Additionally, the processing of public transport stops and roads has been introduced.

In case of violations, residents of Bryansk and region can contact the hotline or apply for emergency dispatch service. Governor Alexander Bogomaz communicates with the population through posts in social networks.

From April 13 to 9.00 and from 17.00 by order of the Governor of the Bryansk region, the work of public transport in the rush hour is strengthened in order to prevent the accumulation of citizens at stops and in the cabin. The load cannot exceed 50% of the cabin, and the passengers are cleared through the place.

In the Bryansk pharmacies, 150 thousand masks were joined for a month, which caused a deficit. In the early April of the medical masks of the Bryanskfarmatia medical masks, which was reported to the governor, caused criticism by citizens. Information about the fact that masks are delivered, but the amount cannot satisfy demand.

In the Bryansk region there was a unique place in the blades, where the means of protection can be purchased without tedious queues. A small sewing enterprise of the All-Russian Society of Deaf earned on the full power and sew reusable masks of cotton and Bosi.

According to local sources, after Martam, there is no problems with the antiseptic in the region.

Schools switched to remote training technologies. According to teachers and parents, the unusual format of lessons has been established. The Virtual School and Yandex.uroka platforms are used as educational sites. For children of preferential groups, the issuance of dry swings is provided.

Additional quarantine measures were introduced and the work of the clinic is limited. An outpatient reception is intended for emergency situations, and recipe forms for people with chronic diseases deliver to the house.

Public resonance received a message about the closure of the Obi trading enterprise, which ignored the rules of conduct in the threat of emergence of the emergency and discovered for visitors a direct sale of goods. At the moment, the store is open to the sale of gardening inventory and seeds, which is permitted by the decision of the governor. The remaining non-food goods are delivered to the door or to the delivery point.

Director of the Regional Health Department Andrei Bardukov on April 15 assured that the prevention measures for health workers are fully implemented, there is no speech to mitigate the requirements.

Latest news

In the latest news, the head of the regional health department, Andrei Bardukov, said that in the region until May 1 it is planned to prepare 2500 beds for the treatment of patients with coronavirus infection. Additionally, the IVL devices and the necessary drugs will be purchased.

At the moment, treatment of patients with coronavirus infection is organized in the regional hospital Bryansk, the hospital of veterans and in the children's city hospital No. 1. It is planned to create places for the treatment of patients with COVID-19 in the village, girlishing, Dyatkov, Clell, Karachayev, Vyatkov, Sevsk, Klintsy , Novozybkov, Klimov. Construction and installation works are already underway and medical equipment will be brought. For these purposes, 294 million rubles were allocated from the federal budget, and 162 million rubles will be addressed from the regional budget.

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