Jean Auguste Dominic Engr - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Pictures



Jean Auguste Dominic Engr since childhood knew that would find a vocation in art. The unique style and manner of painting made it a recognized artist of the era of neoclassicism.

Childhood and youth

Jean Auguste Dominic Engr appeared on August 29, 1780 in the city of Montauban, France. He was senior of seven children in the family of a recognized artist Joseph Engra.

The talent of the boy to creativity noticed the Father, who decided to pass the Son skill. Jean Ogusta since childhood was taught to draw, sing and play on the violin. Despite the fact that in the future the ECR tied life with painting, he retained the love of music, although he did not achieve the same success in this as in the art.

Jean Auguste Dominic Engr in youth

Starting from 6 years old, the boy attended a fraternal Christian school, but education had to be interrupted because of the French revolution. Then the father decided to send the Son to the Art Academy in Toulouse. The guy of the young man became Guyom-Joseph Rock, who trained him to write portraits from nature and instilled a love for the work of Rafael Santi.

During the competition among beginner artists, the young Engine was awarded the 1st place for his drawing. It inspired him to continue their education, and soon the painter moved to Paris, where he entered the school of arts. The guy managed to become a favorite of Jacques-Louis David, who attracted him to work on the image of Madame Remight. It was the mentor that he had a decisive effect on the formation of a portrait style.

Personal life

Personal life portraitist was not secret. In Youth, Jean Ogust woke up with Ann-Marie-Juli Fortie, but the engagement had to break. Soon the man married Madeleine Chapel, who described him with decent and talented. After the death of his wife, the painter made a marriage with Dolphin Romel. He had no children.


In 1801, Jean Ogust became the owner of the Roman Prize, which made it possible to study in the French Academy in Rome. But the guy could not go to the Italian capital because of the lack of budget funds. He stayed in Paris and lived for some time in the studio along with other disciples of David. At this time, Engr studied the work of other artists and developed the mastery of writing a portrait. The pictures of this period amaze the accuracy of the transfer of parts and the wealth of paints. The talent of the painter appreciated the Napoleon Bonaparte himself, who entrusted the guy to write his portrait.

When funds from the budget were still allocated, Jean Ogust went to Rome. During these years, the young man continued to improve the skills of landscape and portrait art. In the pictures, the increasing passion for the artist ancient mythology is traced. In the Italian capital, the painter first began working in the genre of naked nature, but he tried to pass it restrained and chaste. According to the conditions of stay in Italy, students of the Academy had to send work in Paris. The images of Engra "Oedip and Sphinx" and "big swimsuit" were criticized.

Therefore, after completing study, Jean Ogust refused to return back to Paris and became a free artist in Rome. The man earned a living by writing graphic portraits made by a graphite pencil. Thanks to the skill and resourcefulness of the ECR, it became famous as a fashionable painter. In addition to writing paintings, he began receiving orders for interior decor.

However, in the biography of the portraitist, a black strip came - the father died, with whom Jean Ogust had not seen 10 years. In an attempt to come to himself after the loss, the man began to spend more time at work. During this period, paintings "Big Odalisk" and "Rafael and Fornarina" were created. Then followed a series of images in which historical motives are traced.

When the Napoleonic Empire fell, the French who lived in Rome began to leave the city. Earnings of the artist fell, but he did not want to work in France, where his works criticized. Soon a man received an invitation to move to Florence and settled in his friend Lorenzo Bartolini. In his mansion, Engr drew Count N. D. Gurieva.

Only in 1824, Jean Ogust began to again expose paintings in the Paris Salon. Then he opened a school where he taught young artists. It was a period when the artist drew little and built a career of the art teacher. But after the election by the President of the French Academy, he left for Rome, where he continued to create until the 40s of the 19th century.


Recent years, the painter spent in Paris. He died on January 14, 1867, the cause of death was the inflammation of the lungs. Engr is buried in the Cemetery of Per Lashez, to make the tombstone for the grave, his student Viktor Baltar took. In memory of the artist, paintings and old black and white photos are preserved.


  • 1812 - "Romulus - the winner of Acron carries his armor to the temple of Zeus"
  • 1813 - "Son Ossean"
  • 1814 - "Big Odalisk"
  • 1821 - "Portrait of Graph Guryva"
  • 1823 - "Portrait of Madame Leblan"
  • 1827 - "Apotheosis of Homer"
  • 1839 - "Odalisk with a slave"
  • 1851 - "Portrait of Madame Madhess"
  • 1853 - "Apotheosis of Napoleon I"
  • 1856 - "Portrait of Madame Madhess"

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