Coronavirus in Tajikistan 2020: Latest News, Illness, Situation


News issues in recent months are in no hurry to please the viewers with positive information about the situation with COVID-19: only there are information about how many infected in one or another country in the last day and how many people died due to the complications caused by the disease. As of today, on April 27, 2020, more than 3 million cases have already been found in the world, and the number continues to increase, but there are also such countries that infection, according to official sources, are not penetrated.

So, according to the statements of the country's authorities, Coronavirus in Tajikistan has not yet revealed any inhabitant. How the situation in the Asian state develops, will tell the editors 24cm.

Cases of Coronavirus in Tajikistan

With the risk of spreading coronavirus infection in the country, Tajikistan, Tajikistan collided in February - then over 1,000 people who arrived from abroad were placed on quarantine.

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Coronavirus and consequences: what awaits people

Mostly from China, where at that time the epidemic was gaining momentum. And by the end of March, the number of insulated in infectious hospitals and sanatoriums within the framework of quarantine events established for arriving in the republic increased to 6.1 thousand people.

However, quite quickly the authorities reported that they were not detected among those returned to their homeland. Since then, according to the republican ministry of health and president, Emomali Rakhmon, the situation has not changed - Coronavirus in Tajikistan as of April 28, 2020, has not been identified by any inhabitant. This information was confirmed by the representative of the World Health Organization in the Republic of Galina Pontail.

Situation in Tajikistan

Applications that Coronavirus in Tajikistan did not show itself, did not prevent the authorities of the republic to take restrictive measures aimed at preventing the likely penetration of infection into the territory of the state. Back in February, after the emergence of first isolated, arriving from abroad, the republican leadership introduced measures to limit the arriving and decreasing passenger traffic. And by April 10, all border geeks of the republic, including those located on the border of China with Tajikistan, were closed for foreign citizens.

Also in the republic introduced preventive measures against the distribution of COVID-19:

  • abolished mass events, including those dedicated to the celebration of the Day of the capital;
  • closed mosques;
  • allocated funds for the purchase of protective and medicines and medical equipment for therapeutic institutions;
  • Hospitals and clinics issued prescriptions for the preparation of beds for infectious patients.

Also, the authorities also requested help in the form of specialized, medicines and finances to counter the dissemination of COVID-19 in China, Russia and the European Union.

At the same time, emergency measures are not introduced in the country: kindergartens, schools and universities continue to work as usual, as well as shopping centers, as well as markets; not canceled the spring appeal; continue to play weddings. Nevertheless, the President of the Republic advised the elderly citizens to avoid the places of the accumulation of people.

Despite the assurances of the Emomali Rakhmon and the Republican Ministry of Health that the SARS-COV-2 infection cases were not identified in Tajikistan, there was no sharp jump of pulmonary diseases leading to death. So, on April 22, 4 elderly patients were died in the Dushanbe Hospital because of pneumonia. At the current time, more than 100 people are treated in this medical institution with a similar diagnosis.

Also throughout the territory, cases of deaths caused by problems with the lungs are recorded, and family members are placed on quarantine. However, the doctors each time call the cause of death with pneumonia, tuberculosis, heart attack or flu, confirming the words of the country's leadership that Coronavirus in Tajikistan has not been identified for today.

Although obvious panic in the republic is not observed, but the population of the country was divided into two camps. Some believe that there is no threat to health, is an infection somewhere far and does not pose a threat. Yes, and it is easy to cope with her with the help of lemon, ginger, garlic and smoke harmala ordinary.

Such conviction in the end led to the fact that the prices for listed products in those stores where these folk remedies still remain in the last weeks. But with masks and antiseptics in the pharmacies of the country there are no problems - the means of individual protection of respiratory organs are now manufactured not only in profile enterprises, but also in some universities of the country, attracting students.

Another category of inhabitants, among which a number of Tajik oppositionists are confident that Coronavirus is already penetrating Tajikistan, but the authorities are making a real situation. The reasons for the "secrecy" of the republican leadership include the peculiarities of the economic structure of the state and the reluctance of finally destabilize the established situation.

The fact is that a third of the GDP of the Republic is making money transfers coming from the migrants on earnings abroad. In connection with the situation in the world due to a pandemic of the situation, this source of replenishment of the state budget is dried. And now the only chance of preventing the final collapse of the state economy - small and medium-sized businesses, according to which the introduction of emergencies and recognition of the presence of infection in Tajikistan will hit first.

Distrust of the authorities and concerns for their own health lead to the fact that in certain areas of the republic, residents themselves go to the fight against SARS-COV-2, organizing "People's Quarantine". For example, on the roads within the framework of the private initiative, trades are created, not allowing foreign people, as well as carrying out the disinfection of transport.

Latest news

Latest news from Tajikistan:

  • Elderly residents of the republic did not pay attention to the warning of the president regarding Coronavirus. They leave at home, visit the place of mass accumulation of people, do not use protective masks and do not comply with the social distance.
  • Emomali Rahmon recommended refraining from the post to the sacred month of Ramazan. He motivated the latter recommendation to maintain immunity in a global pandemic. The head of state also noted that Coronavirus in Tajikistan as of April 23, 2020 was not confirmed by any person.
  • The authorities of Tajikistan will soon inform the identification of COVID-19 cases in the country, as the source in the office of Kyrgyzstan told Interfax. In addition, according to the same source, a number of regions of the country will be closed on quarantine.

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