Anastasia Lifanova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



It often happens that children, looking at their star parents, eventually go along their footsteps and choose the same profession as a father or mother. A long list of Sony Kuzmina, her colleagues in the "Star Factory - 3" Nikita Malinin, Arsenia Robak and other confidently continue to Anda Anastasia Lifanova, the eldest daughter of actor Igor Lifanov. The girl periodically coming out with him on theatrical layouts and is filmed in the same filmmakes.

Childhood and youth

Personal life of the star truly male films ("Diversian", "Special Forces", "Hunts", "wild") was not quiet and calm. In school, he enjoyed high attention of the opposite sex, and then these abilities revealed at the Institute. Already on the 2nd year of study, the student took a female classmate to Elena Pavlikov, who made him crazy with fire-red hair.

Despite the feelings, the approval of close relatives and a gorgeous wedding in the most prestigious restaurant of the Northern Capital, the newlyweds divorced 3 months after registration of marriage. Igor Lidia Ivanovna's mother, if you believe information in the media, having learned about the parting of the heir, almost "scalked" a heart attack.

A young man who languished briefly alone and twisted another novel with a girlfriend on the university Tatiana Apticheva. And by the end of the Ligitmik in the summer of 1991 again gave himself to "Okolzat". The celebration was celebrated in the hometown of Lifanova Nikolaev.

Anastasia Lifanova and Father Igor Lifanov

After 3 years, the spouses found out that they would soon become their parents. Pregnancy proceeded hard: Tanya was tormented by merciless toxicosis, had to constantly lie on the preservation. Fortunately, everything went around, and on July 3, 1995, daughter Anastasia appeared.

Others came to change one problems. The money was catastrophically lacked, actors in parallel with the stage activities had to work out and janitors.

"I often brought the baby to the theater. When I went on the stage, I asked my colleagues to donate her daughter, and in the intermission was born. We can say that it breathes theatrical scenes from three months. Igor always showed concern about us with Nastya. She read the books for the night, and helped me on the housework, "the actress recalled.

Gradually, things went uphill, and it seemed that the long-awaited happiness had come. But everything changed the random meeting of a man with Elena Kosenko during the filming of "Special Forces" in Sevastopol. Emotions to the new sweetheart were so strong that he honestly admitted to her legitimate wife on arrival.

However, hack from the shoulder did not dare. Igor tried to live separately, then returned to the family again, eventually the story ended far from a simple divorce for both.

"I do not know how to live with two women at the same time, so everything told his wife. I understand that my life spoiled Tanya, I made a very painful person, whom I still respect. To say that the divorce is difficult - not to say anything. I don't know how to survive, "said Celebrity.

An additional heavy moment has become stretched relationships with Nastya. The child did not immediately take the fact that his father threw them, and the understanding came only after time. The girl received a higher education in Rgisi (Yuri Krasovsky's course), where her parents met, and now it works side by side with Lifanov.

Personal life

Nature and famous parents awarded Nastya with an attractive appearance, which allows it to work and as a model - advertise elegant outfits and decorations. Long legs, a slim body, a shrill look, do not leave indifferent not only employers and casting directors, but also numerous fans and workers. Men do not regret the actress compliments and words of admiration.

At the same time, the girl is in no hurry to share the news of his personal life. Photos of a possible chosen on its page in "Instagram" were not found, like other curious details.

In rare interviews, Tatiana Aptikeev confessed that he dreams about the heiress chosen a reliable man who would wear her in her arms and would never betray her.


Cinema to film Nastya began at satisfied young age. The debut took place in the middle of zero in two parts of "Protection" and the "features of national treated fishing".

In the filmography of artists there are also kinocartins, where it appeared on the set along with the Father. These include the series "Wild-2" (Episode "Attention, black box ...") and adventure detective "five minutes of silence".

However, it was not necessary to complain about the neighborhood in other projects. For example, in Major-2, Lifanova worked in Tandem with Pavelilician and Nikita Panfilov, in Alibi - with Evgeny Skyktin and Andrei Urgant.

Anastasia Lifanova now

Lifanova continues to properly replenish the creative biography of new projects. On March 16, 2020, the premiere of a multi-seater film "In step from Paradise" took place at Russia-1, telling about unexpectedly filled with happiness on a simple Russian family. In the film, Nastya was entrusted not the main, but the prominent role of the marina girl.
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In addition, the actress was invited to the process of creating a detective "Diver", the drama "Floor" and the adventure "Spy No. 1".

The activity of Nastya was not limited to alone by cinema: together with the famous parent, she shone in the comedy "Infinite Beginning" on the play of Victor Ponizov "AZ EMS Creature".


  • 2006 - "Protection Krasina"
  • 2008 - "Protection Krasina - 2"
  • 2009 - "Features of national treated fishing, or a separation of full"
  • 2011 - "Wild-2"
  • 2015 - "Decoration of the Murder"
  • 2016 - "Major-2"
  • 2017 - "Five minutes of silence"
  • 2018 - "His-2"
  • 2019 - "Alibi"
  • 2019 - "Sea Devils. Road Friendies »
  • 2020 - "In step from paradise"

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