What did the stars look like when first appeared on the red carpet: Russian, Hollywood


Defile at the award ceremony or premiere of the Debut Film Celebrities do not forget. We remember the bright moments from the life of popular actresses. The first minutes of the glory of stars on the red carpet - in the material 24cm.

Reese Witherspoon

Did you find out in the bold girl Oskarone Reese Witherspoon? In the photo she is only 14 years old, and she is in a hurry to the premiere of the film "Man on the Moon." Judging by the youth carelessness, Reese does not suspect that a star was born in Hollywood sky. After 10 years, she will play a "blonde in law" and will become megapopular.

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie

The first output of Angelina Jolie took place accompanied by the father of John Light at the event of the Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences. It can be seen that in her 11 years old girl feels comfortable in a luxurious dress with wings. And even the posture during the photo session remained the same. Those who still doubt the natural beauty of the actress should pay attention to the lips of the future star.

Kristen Stewart

If the stars light up, it means that it is necessary to do anyone - this conclusion can be done, looking at the photo of the future Hollywood hooligans. To the "Twilight" in Kristen Stewart held a debut in the film "Fear Room". Kristen is still restrained and not ready to pull the public. All ahead!

Alexandra Bortich

Alexandra Boritch "flew" into the Russian show-business after the role of the careerist Alena Smirnova in the film "Duchless 2" and became, according to the film critics, "Breakthrough of 2014". In 2015, she received a prize of the festival "Constellation" for the best female role of the second plan. A talented girl since 2015 did not change much - this is a compliment for the actress, which was gaining weight, and then humid on the role in the film.

Drew Barrymore

The representative of the acting dynasty, the gardens Stephen Spielberg and Sophie Lauren remember on the role in the film "Alien". In 1982, the young performer of the role of Gehhi was 7 years old. According to the satisfaction, it is clear that the attention of the public to the girl is nice, but Drew Barrymore lived the test of glory hard. By 14 years, the Star Run of the young actress has suspended due to drug problems. Good name returned after the film "Charlie Angels."

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez

It is difficult to learn in a curly girl with a coffee lipstick on the lips Popular Jennifer Lopez. The face is different from the usual image of the star. The viewer was used to watching Jay Lo with pleasant roundeds, smoothed curls and an emphasis on the eyes. The photo star rushes at the premiere of the film "My Crazy Life", and it can be seen that it is in search of a unique style.

Irina Starshenbaum

Irina Star'shenbaum began filmography since 2015. The recognition of the audience actress received after the premiere of the film "Attraction". In 2017, Star'shenbaum received an advanced "Advance" as "the most promising actress." In the photo - Irina with a reward. Star outfit modest: light makeup, light trouser suit, designer bracelet and fashionable bag. Her way to change in the image began only.

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