Julbars: Dog, War, At Victory Parade, 1945, film


On April 27, on the first channel, the show of the 8-serial feature film "Julbars" directed by Ivan Schurhovetsky, dedicated to the military feat of border guards and their faithful dogs in the summer of 1941. The creation of the picture of the authors inspired real events that took place in the first months after the invasion of the German fascist invaders into the territory of the Soviet Union.

Read more to deal with the history that served as the basis for the mini-series, decided by 24cmi. About the heroes-border guards and their four-legged friends, thanks to the unparalleled human courage and animal devotion forced to retreat the enemy, this article will tell.

About the film

In the center of the plot, the paintings "Julbars" - the fate of the school of border dog breeding, staff and pets that were forced to enter into battle with numerically superior enemy forces in the first months of the Great Patriotic War.

Border guards and their shaggy partners should hold back the coming soldiers of the Wehrmacht at any cost to give a chance to evacuate from the School of Fascists in the forefront. In addition to the battles, there are a lot of attention in the tape and the relationship between the heroes is given: the doctor of Kira (Maria Andreeva), the commander of Piermanshkola Shevtsov (Nikolai Machulsky), Polyakov's political worker (Alexey Barabash) and other actors. And, of course, there was no romantic line in the film.

Real events

The events that were based on the creation of the 8-serial tape "Julbars" Russian cinematographers really took place. True, not in August 41, but at the end of July. About what happened in the Cherkasy region of Ukraine, and the feat of the Soviet military, people and dogs, the participants of the battle at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the story will go below.

Green Brahma

In July 1941, the group of army of the third Reich "South" could not be made to Kiev. A bet of German command was decided to bypass the capital of the Ukrainian SSR from the south. As a result, in the area of ​​the Green Brand, the two Soviet army of the South-Western Front - the 6th and 12th and 12th came to the surroundings. Of the 130 thousand people of the numerical composition of the army from the Uman boiler, less than 11 thousand Russian soldiers and officers were able to come out - the rest were killed or captured.

Fly Rota

On July 30, the troops of the Third Reich moved to the offensive. On the way, 500 border guards got up on the Leibstandart Adolf Hitler's brigade. The tasks of the fighters included the departure of the superior enemy forces to ensure the retreat of the headquarters of the command of the Umansky army grouping - the headquarters of the 8th rifle building under the command of the Major General Snow Major. Cucked up the waste of 3 companies of the Kolomany border crossing. As a strengthening, border guards gave all the personnel of the School of Service Dog Management under the control of Captain Kozlov - 25 kinologists and 150 dogs, mostly German shepherd.

The fighters of the brimers have completed the task and detained the advancing regiment, applying serious damage in the enemy and technique, however, they themselves suffered. When the ammunition came to an end, the commander gave the surviving order to fight in hand. Together with the fighters in a suicide counterattack, the faithful four-legged comrades went, which broke the course of the opposition. One and a half hundred celodiced and embittered animals, scattered on the physical detention of violators of the government, claws and fangs sowed panic and death in the ranks of the enemy. Only, thanks to the approached tanks, the Germans managed to overcome Soviet soldiers and their pets.

In the battle under the village, all border guard fighters were killed. Some dogs managed to escape - they settled in the forests and over time. The offensive of the German troops on this section of the front was as a result of 2 days, and the German soldiers themselves, tearing anger and mushy for experienced horror, shot domestic dogs in all surrounding villages.

Julbars and Stalin

It is unknown to be reliably, whether the dogs defended by the retreat of dogs named Julbars. Probably yes. After the release in 1935 on the screens of the name of the name of the nickname, translated from the Turkic meant "Tiger", gained popularity and occurred everywhere.

So, Julbars called the personal PSA Dina Volkats, the only female participant in the Great Patriotic War, who served as a commander office in the mine-search service. There are legends that at the parade in 1945 it was this dog to distinguish itself. Allegedly the dog was to go along with servicemen on Red Square, but did not have time to recover after injuries. Then Stalin himself ordered to raise his own chinel with a heroic ps and carry a shaggy sapper on her. So it turned out - on the parade there is a box of border guards with pets, and the Julbars are carried in a special tray, shining with the shafts of Generalissimus.

On another legend, this dog is the only presented medal "for military merit". However, there are no documentary evidence in the first, nor in the second case: no one can see anyone with the heroic dog in the hands of the victory parade, no premium sheets for four-legged archives.

However, the fact that these stories turned out to be invention, the merits of Julbars did not diminish - in the 44th --45th, the dog found 7.5 thousand mines and one and a half hundred shells.

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