Calle Bloomvist (character) - pictures, author, Astrid Lindgren, heroes, character


Character History

Calle Bloomvist (Blumquist) is a thirteen-year-old teenager from Sweden, which from early childhood dreams of a career of the Great Detective. And not simple, and such that only one name will suffer gangsters and bandits. But, faced with a real danger, Calle rethinks desires.

History of character creation

The trilogy about the adventures of the boy Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren wrote by the chief editor of the publisher. By this time, the woman realized that her vocation - to show the world's eyes on the pages of books. In the writer's bibliography, more than 80 works, and among them only one "adult" - "Samuel August of Sevenstorp and Hannah from Khole".

In the youth, Astrid worked with criminalist Hari Söderman, and the knowledge gained helped in writing a detective story. In 1946, Lindgren publishes the book - "Calle Blumyquist plays." Five years later, the second part of the "Calle Bloomvist risks" comes from the pen, and in 1953 - the final - "Calle Blumyvist and Rasmus".

The plots of these books by the author dedicated to a detective mug, which formed friends on vacation - Calle, Anders and Eva-Lotta. Heroes come not only in fascinating, but also dangerous adventures.

Astrid wrote a detective, pursuing an important motive. In the middle of the XX century, bookstores were filled with cheap thrillers. Rainy megalopolises in the plot Lindgren were replaced by a cozy Swedish town. The woman showed that writing about crimes is interesting, exciting and even in the genre of works for children.

After publication in Swedish, the word Blomkvistare appeared - "Blumquistare", which is equal to meaning to the "self-taught detective" or "lover." According to the writer, the surname of the main character does not accidentally coincide with Mikael Blumquist from the Trilogy of Sting Larsson.

The first two parts were translated into Russian and published in 1959 in one book - the "Adventures of Calle Blumvista". The final story is much later - in 1986.

Fate and the image of Calle Blumkovist

The boy was born in the provincial town in the Bakaleshik family. His father Viktor Blumkovist has already decided that the Son will be the manager of the trading shop, as well as he himself. But the heir is such a prospect not satisfied. Quote from the first part of the book brightly demonstrates this:Detective or nobody! Let the father choose. Sherlock Holmes, Asbjorn Krag, Lord Peter Wimsey, Erkul Poirot, Calle Blushquist!

The guy without exaggeration every minute carefully looked at the details in order to recognize the traces of some crime on time. Young detective envied the children who fell a happy ticket to live in London slums. After all, in his small town, nothing mysterious and suspicious did not occur.

But not in the character of the boy was to retreat from the dream. Therefore, he never left his post. Even walks with another Anders and secret love Eva-Lotta did not interfere with him carefully inspect passersby.

The dreamer of a detective career believed that criminals are just waiting to make something terrible. Therefore, his duty as a future detective - to warn the theft or murder in time. Eva liked not only the chief hero, but also Anders. However, Calle was confident that the girlfriend would make a choice in favor of the genius of the cheek.

The narration begins with the fact that the guys on vacation are trying to entertain themselves with games. Suddenly the sluggish life of the provincial city violates the arrival of Relative Eva - Uncle Einara.

Naturally, this citizen immediately drew close attention to the thirteen-year-old teenager. Already during the second meeting, the young "Sherlock" is convinced that the guest is strange. Wandering on the old collapsed castle, Blumkovist sees a man in his hands. Fair guy did not fail. Uncle Einar, indeed, turned out to be connected with recent stealing of jewelry in the city of Banzergathan (what was written even in the newspaper).

The chronology of the events of the trilogy is developing dynamically, becoming more and more dangerous moments. Three friends calculate the place where the jewels lie, and rewrite the find. But the trail of young detectives overlook the gangsters. They detect children and lock them in the dungeon.

Calle is a character who, despite some self-conceit, is aware of the opportunities. Its disadvantages are related, first of all, with age. Therefore, the boy does not risk where it is not necessary, and in time turns to the police to help. In the episode, where the criminal is trying to poison Eve-Lott, the main character understands - there are far from children's games around him.

In the final part, the teenager has to show a deduction to save the little Boy of Rasmus, who are held hostage. Thanks to the efforts of all friends, it is possible to bring together all the evidence and unravel, who is a terrible criminal.

Blumkivist, like the other character Lindgren, Rasmus-Tramp, is forced to face an adult, dangerous peace. This is the main idea of ​​most of the works of the Swedish writer. Children in their very carefree, they decide not easy tasks, the victims see terrible things and make actions characteristic of adults.

Calle Bloomvist in films and books

All three parts of the adventure detective were shielded before other works of the Swedish author.

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The first book was based on the film of 1947 "Famous Detective Calle Bloomvist", filmed by Rolf Hasberg. In the USSR, the plot of works of Lithuanian film studio in 1976 was replied to the movie in 1976. Tadas Dilis (Calle) were played by Tadas Dilis (Calle), Arunas Buklis (Anders) and Monica Zabryunite (Eva-Lotta).

The rest of the parts were shielded only in Swedish cinema. The first films were filmed in 1953 and 1957. Revision of the director Yoran Carmbaca accounts for 1996-1997.


Blood, no doubt! So he agreed! There is no, if an adult will fit to play with children, nothing will keep them and remember. Why, why do you need a pocket flashlight with uncle Einaru? In the midst of the summer, when at night almost the same light, like the day! First, the launder, then a pocket flashlight! Is it all not at the highest degree suspicious?


  • 1946 - "Calle Blumyvysist playing"
  • 1951 - "Calle Bloomvist risks"
  • 1953 - Calle Blumyvist and Rasmus


  • 1947 - "Famous Detective Calle Bloomvist" (Sweden)
  • 1953 - "Super Sensor and Rasmus" (Sweden)
  • 1957 - "The famous owner risks" (Sweden)
  • 1976 - "Calle-Detective Adventures" (USSR)
  • 1996 - Calle Bloomvist (Sweden)
  • 1997 - Calle Bloomvist and Rasmus (Sweden)

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