Film "Tigriths" (1954): Roles, film, actors, shooting


In 1954, the director Alexander Ivanovsky and Nadezhda Kosheverov set together the comedy "Tigrov Tigrov". Immediately after reaching the big screen in March 1955, the film welfare was loved by the film workers of the Soviet Union, which was also played by the actors involved in the film. About the most interesting facts related to the film, as well as on the flap and curiosity incidents on the shooting, will tell the editors 24cmi.

Interesting Facts

A series of entertaining facts is associated with the film "Tiger Tigrov", with some of which will be curious to familiarize themselves.

Saving on film

Often, spectators are surprised that the film launched in the 55th, shot on the color film, while the mass of the pictured pictures are black and white. The reason is in party leaders. Under Stalin, they shot little, but for the sake of the right ideological result were ready to go for serious spending. With Khrushchev, they began to remove more, and therefore they saved on the film.

Conflict method

So that the animals are used to Margarita Nazarov, duplicated actress Lyudmila Kasatkin in scenes with tigers, the trainer Boris Eder resorted to the "Conflict Method", familiar to modern spectators on Hollywood militants. The roles of "bad policemen" played traysters-men, in every way triting big cats. And Nazarova stroited animals and treated with delicacies. The technique worked - the tigers trusted the girl.

An experience

After the shooting of the tigers' tamer came to an end, Margarita Nazarova performed a circus with the program "Trained Tigers", consisting of the numbers prepared during the filming.

Cheek brings success

Pavel Kadochnikov Tricks on a motorcycle performed without flocks and in scenes with tigers starred without fear. Yes, and Casatkin, first refused to work with animals, then found a common language with them - Kormil, Pokil and I stroked. I wanted to even play in the frame with predatory handsome, but late - animals are accustomed to Nazarova.


It was not dealt with tigers' tigers "and without curious cases. So, Konstantin Sorokin refused to take off with the predator in one frame. The actors convinced that the shooting would be combined, it would take only to enter the door and exit, depicting a fright. Sorokin believed, and in vain - the sofa in the office was not empty, as it was assumed. But the fright turned out to be natural, and the pricking gait is expressive.

Another funny moment occurred with Pavel Kadochnikov. When the actor according to the script supported the door so that the tiger did not get out of the office, the trainers asked that the artist deviates away - they say, the animal can get a paw. But the operators demanded the opposite - the face of the Cadochikov, see if it does not fit into the frame.


And, of course, like without flats:

  • Watermelons in the hands of Mokin Petit, the role of which executed Leonid Bykov, color from the scene to the scene.
  • Petita sticks, too, apparently, got from the magician, for it has the ability of white to become black.
  • The actors of the mass in the circus arena demonstrate an incredible changeout rate - the Red Tricks in the next frame is suddenly transformed into green.
  • In the scene in the compartment, objects on the table are in constant movement, moving from the frame to the frame.
  • The inscription with the name of the main character of Elena Vorontsova's paintings, derived by colored sand on the circular arena, changes the font.

Of course, these minor protests are not spoiled by the film "Tiger Tigers", but only give the picture an additional charm.

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