Bastinda (character) - pictures, "Magician of the Emerald City", author, Gingham


Character History

Bastinda - a character in the fairy tale Alexander Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City". It is also mentioned in other works of the children's writer about the magical country. According to the story of the heroine - a sorcerer, which rules the purple country. In subordination of the evil magicians are migumens. The character does not get along with his sister Gingham.

History of character creation

The evil witch of the West, which appeared in the fairy tale of Lymeman Frank Bauma, was believed that the Bastand's prototype was the sample of the Bastinta. Wolves retained a similar description of his heroine and endowed the wizard as the same qualities. The writer added a sorcerer image of great realism. So, for example, the author did not enter the fragment into the text, reporting that when the dog of Ellie, the Totomka, bit the Bastland for his leg, did not flow from the wound from the hero. The anger of the wizard was so strong that he dried it.

In addition, the writer added details in the chapters, telling about finding a girl in submission by the witch. A storyline was also invented with the Migunov uprising, which was not in the text of the American classic. In the book of Alexander Volkova, two evil sorcerers are sisters, while the Bauma has no relative communication between heroes. But in the American film screening, filmed by the director Viktor Fleming, the witch of the West and the East are connected by nursing bonds. Therefore, it is difficult to say whether the Soviet writer invented this item independently or borrowed from the movie.

Wolves describe the heroine, as a dangerous evil witch, who has a disassembled character. It is difficult to say how old the magician - when Bastind began to rule the miguns, that is, 400 years old before the events described in the fairy tale, the lady was old. The assistant sorcerer is its only eye capable of seeing long distances. Most of all in the world, the character is afraid of darkness and water. Once the heroine predicted death from water, so she did not touch water sources for 500 years. The appearance of the Bastinta is represented in the pictures of Illustrator Leonid Vladimirsky.

Fate and the image of the Bastinta

In the magical country, Bastinda turned out to be simultaneously with three other wizards - Willina, Stella and Ginglam. Characters decided to share with each other by the lot of the territory. As a result, Gingham began to rule the blue country where Zhvown lived, Stella stayed in Pink, Wilullin - in Yellow, and Bastinda - in Purple, with migunov living here.

The evil magician knew how to control animals and birds, and also had power over black bees, which were applied to death bites. Especially helped by the witch in the fight against the "ill-wishers" golden hat. She gave the owner the opportunity to guess three desires, which should be done by a detachment of bats.

Thus, the winged animals helped Bastland to become a government of the migumens, and then reflect the attack of the troops of the Goodwine wizard, who tried to defeat the sorcerer. Among the magic arsenal, the heroine was an umbrella, capable of transferring the owner to any place. Seeing that the girl with friends approaching her possessions, the wizard hurried to turn to the help of animal obeys.

The first orders to destroy the uninvited guests received wolves, but the Iron Woodcutter quickly coped with predators with his ax. Then the Raven turn came with iron bears - it was ruined with them. "After all, the hero was a garden scarecrow. Third travelers attacked black bees - and for this time, friends found a way of salvation from danger. Lion, Ellie and the Totomoto was afraid of the straw, and the urvoy the bites of poisonous bees were not terrible.

Seeing that the arsenal of magical means was noticeably exhausted, Bastinda sent to battle with the team of friends of Migunov. But it was worth a cowardly buried, as the inhabitants of the purple country ran back. Having learned about it, the evil sorceress was forced to call the volatile monkeys, which was very angry. After all, after the third desire, the winged animals stopped obeying Bastland. But there was nowhere to retreat - and this time the wizard managed to win.

The volatile monkeys threw the ironwall in the abyss, the straw of the terrible was dispelled in the wind, the network was painted on a lion and brought Bastinta to the castle. But they could not kill Ellie on the orders of the sorcerer - after all, the girl had magic silver shoes. The magician sent Ellie to work on the kitchen, and Lion was planted into the cage. At night, afraid of darkness, Bastinda was locked up in her room and came out from there only with the rays of the sun. This was used by the little mistress of the Totoshki - at night she brought a lion food and water.

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The sorceress passionately wanted to get the girls' shoes - after all, then the heroine would have become more powerful than it was before that - with wolves, bees and other assistants. But Ellie removed shoes only at night or when bathed. One day, deciding to get shoes with cunning, the sorceress pulled a thread in the room where the girl worked. Without noticing traps, Ellie fell, and one shoe flew from her legs. She began to ask the wizard to return the shoes, and when she refused, in despair he drove the bastine with water from the bucket. Suddenly the sorceress began to melt, and soon only clothes remained from it.

Bastind in films and books

The fabulous cycle of the Emerald city was continued by the writer Sergey Sukhinov. In the author's version, the capital of the purple country is called Basta. Researchers express an opinion that thereby the writer united the name of the wizard of the Bastinta and the name of the Bastille prison fortress in France.

For the first time, the Bastinda appears on the screen in 1994 in the film "The Wizard of the Emerald City". The role of an evil sorceress (as well as her sisters of Gingham) performed actress Natalia Varley. The film used phrases from the original text. In the Russian comedy "Country of Oz", the director of which was Vasily Sigarev, an artist Alexander Bashirov appears in the image of Bastinta. In a multi-sieuled cartoon, removed based on Volkova's fairy tale in 1973, the actor of Veniamine Stuchov voiced the evil heroine.


She does not know anything about the mysterious strength of the shoes, "the wizard decided. - If I manage to take possession of them, I will become a powerful than before, when I had wolves, crows, black bees and a golden hat. How did they hit her? Bastind thought confused. - Is it really a sick girl caught a powerful ginger, the Ladyman of Zhvunov? And yet on her shoes! My bad thing is: After all, I can't touch the little launcher with my finger while the magic shoes are on it. You, lion, listen! - she sank. - You are my prisoner! I will bargain you in a stroller and ride on holidays so that the migumens say: "Look, what a powerful our lady Bastinda - she managed to harze even a lion!"


  • 1939 - "The Wizard of the Emerald City"


  • 1973 - "The Wizard of the Emerald City"
  • 1994 - "The Wizard of the Emerald City"
  • 2015 - "Country Oz"

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