Interesting facts about Leonid Kanevsky: presenter, biography, life, NTV


On May 2, 2020, Leonid Kanevsky's birthday noted - the famous Soviet and Russian artist of the theater and the movie was 81 years old. Over the shoulders of the actor involved in dozens of paintings and performances, but most of all the viewer he remembered as a criminal investigation inspector Alexander Tomin from the legendary "experts" and a permanent leading program "The investigation was led ...", which was so loved to the viewers that even gave rise to popular Internet -We. On curious cases from the life and creative biography of Leonid Semenovich, in the editorial material of 24cmi.


For a long time to execute one role - a difficult task for the actor. Tired of the Inspector's Image of the Throat and the played thymes in the series "The investigation leads the experts" Leonid Kanevsky - I wanted to even give up filming. The guide went on the artist, inventing the exit, - in the eighth series of Tomin, the criminal was fatally injured. It was implied that the hero dies behind the scenes. But it was not possible to realize the idea - telegrams and letters with requests did not kill the beloved character. There were and threats: the audience promised to throw out, break or sell their own televisions if Major dies. It was necessary to return to the shooting platform.

Over time, Leonid Semenovich, whom the fans are different as "Comrade Tomin" and did not call, so closely drank with her character that sometimes forgot to leave the image. Once, after the play, a woman approached him - she asked to help figure out in one thing that happened in her small homeland, in Sukhumi. Kanevsky then began to seriously interrogate it, refining the details of a relatively happening, as well as the behavior of police officers and testimony. Then still came to mind, but I did not leave a woman without help, I found a competent lawyer.

By Blatu

The role in the series "The investigation is conducted by experts" brought all-union fame Kanevsky, which he did not shy to use. Drove the actor pretty risky and often violated the rules of the road, but not a single fine did not receive - the traffic cops were politely lit "Comrade Timkin" and released.

About beloved food

Leonid Kanevsky like home food - his spouse is wonderful. Most like Georgian cuisine - Lobio, kebabs, Suluguni. But especially - Phali. But from strong drinks, the preference of the artist gives whiskey.

About childhood

Leonid's father worked as a technologist at a candy plant, so that sweets in the house of Kanevsky were not translated. Because of this, the future actor as a child had overweight problems that young Lenya decided to secretly postpone the free struggle.

The mother thought that the child goes to the tourist circle, until he had returned home with a woven shoulder. The young man not only lost weight, but he learned to defend himself - fortunately, this skill was useful in life only once.

About Supply

Leonid Kanevsky never sought to wealth - according to the artist, he earns money to spend, not to save. It claims that he does not need no country cottages, nor yachts with limousines, "there is enough that current time has along with his wife.

About rest

The best holiday for the artist is in the old manner, with friends: nature, lake and sauna. And Leonid Semenovich loves to travel, attend new places. But the option is familiar to most with the cottage - not for him. First, there is no site. And secondly, the actor does not like to mess around with the ground - plant, sow, sort, preferring to "tear ripe fruits."

Three components

Leonid Kanevsky is pleased with the "greed and job", and not tolerates lies and falsehood. It believes that happiness consists of three components.

  • The first is your own health: so as not to worry close and worthy to look in the profession.
  • Second - health, wealth and happiness of relatives and friends.
  • The third is a place in life: the calling is required to choose so as not to regret it.

Perhaps then this list of actor will be replenished with something else, but this is a completely different story.

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