TV series "Out of Game" (2018): Actors, Roles, Release Date, Trailer


In the spring of 2018, the sports drama "Out of the game" directed by Viktor Shamirova was released on the screens. On the actors who performed the main roles, and interesting facts of the series - in the editorial material of 24cmi.


A large-scale teleproject affects the theme of education of young football players who are ready to become leaders of "Big Football". The appearance of the picture is timed to the 2018 World Cup. In the center of the plot - the weave of the usual life of adolescents and narration about football, which is more for heroes than just a game.

The author of the film scenario, Ruslan Khachmamuk, worked for several years to scout in FC "CSKA" and selected gifted adolescents for football school.

Release date - May 28, 2018.

Actors and roles

The once professional player Phil left a big sport and became the scout football school "Lokomotiv". Disappointment in Russian football makes the hero of drowning the mountain in alcohol, while the case does not drive it with a talented player Denis. In the role of Phil - Rostislav Bershauer.

The role of Denis Rybalchenko performed Nikolai Kalinichev. Training in a football school passes in harsh conditions, and Denis begins to doubt the correctness of the choice. But he is not one: a talented player supports coach, fans and, of course, mother. The film "Out of the game" is the first experience in the frame for a young actor, which was approved for a day before the start of the filming.

Denis Olga's mother is also lost in doubt. Phil appears in her life, but Denis's father does not want to give a former wife to another man and is ready to change for the sake of family. In the role of Olga - Anna Tarautkina, who was remembered by the audience on the films "My favorite ghost" and "love with all stops".

Fan of the Locomotive Football Club Sasha dreams for Russia to become a world champion in football. He takes an active part in the fate of a talented football player. Together with Phil, they persuade the coaches to give a chance to a gifted teenager. Sasha performed Nikita Pavlenko. The young actor is removed since 2010 and by 2019 managed to take part in 17 projects.

The film also filmed: Anastasia Kuimov (Polina), Vitaly Khaev (coach), Roman Indyk (Vasya).

Interesting Facts

  • During filming, the ball turned out at the gate of 118 times.
  • In the filming of the series, players of the club "Lokomotiv" Guillerme Marinaat, Dmitry Tarasov, Anton and Alexey Miranchuk, who played themselves.
  • Young footballers fulfilled players by the junior football league.

The film "Out of the game" - Trailer:

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