Photo Alexandra Bortich from "Instagram": how the star looks in ordinary life


Alexandra Bortich is an ascending star of the acting Olympus, so it is under the closer attention of the media and fans.


Personal life Young actress is restless, like an erupting volcano. She worked until the acting career was a waitress in the rock bar and noted that this occupation delivered pleasure.

Divorce with Vyacheslav Vorontsov In June 2018, the attitude of the actress to the present future, but not the principle of love: Alexander, in an interview with the "gentle editor" admitted that if he fell in love, then infinitely, as in the outer with his head.

Neither then nor now Sasha Bortich does not distribute the details of his personal life. It is only known that it consists in relations with the founder of the network of schools of oratory of art "King says" by Evgeny Saveliev. Both are often divided with readers with joint photos in microblogs.


In Instagram Sasha Bortich posts not only photos from filming and travel, but also shows an active civil position, it is not afraid to go to rallies and express a personal opinion. The same applies to tolerance. Alexandra acts in support of the LGBT community and believes that their oppression is unreasonable and illegal.

Sasha Bortich is sure that the Russian Mat is an integral part of the tongue, therefore it does not neglect the use of "sharp spells" or in ordinary life, nor in Instagram or in an interview.

Most photos in the microblog actress - with friends, close people. Mom Alexandra is actively involved in commenting the daughter's publications. In Storsith, the actress is divided with readers beloved music, funny moments of filming, pictures with close people.


Alexandra Bortich's profile is permeated with thin, amazing humor. It characterizes its activities as a "domestic breeding specialist", and in the signatures of the photo instead of facts from a personal life or a specific description prefers to use jokes like "Photo for Mom, of course."


Alexandra posts photos with makeup only in cases where it is a professional shooting or idea. In other cases, meikap is missing or minimal. The actress is not hesitating to express emotions in the pictures, "Kind of the face", indulge, which allows her to look vividly, naturally.


A cute, blonde girl from heavenly colors in his eyes in his free time is fond of non-quiet of "true lady": riding skateboards, bikes, listens to heavy rock, sometimes accommodates in the publications and stories "Black humor".


Combine the incompatible sachet Bortich is manifested in the style of clothing. The actress picks out the outfit with the "highlight": if the dress is with a massive crucile, if an elegant suit is with a rock band, if the lady's raincoat with adidas dies. Special attention The girl pays to accessories, emphasizing the delicate taste: bags, belts, hats, decorations.

In secular events, Sasha Bortich does not like to appear, but if it appears, it looks elegant and flawless.

The phenomenal ability of the actress is to keep himself in excellent physical shape with a leaning to completeness (we recall that for filming the film "I'm losing weight" she scored 20 kg and easily dropped them in 1.5 months). Therefore, Alexander Bortich is not shy to upload photos in a swimsuit.

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