Ilya Laserson - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Chef 2021



Ilya Laserson - President of the St. Petersburg club of chefs. Just as the lion of shcheglons is witty popularize sexology, culinary reveals the secrets of high kitchens in books and television projects.

Childhood and youth

The chef was born on International Women's Day of 1964, becoming the best gift for Mom - Math Teacher. Malaya Motherland of Laberson - Ukrainian city Rivne. In the year of birth, Ilya Isaakovich, the Jew was every fiftieth resident, and now the share of Jews in the population of the regional center declined 10 times.

Young laserson parents worked a lot, and the boy would be eagerly taken for the preparation of dinners for the family. Ilya was inspired by the culinary secrets of her grandmother, who regularly came from Vitebsk, and collectors of recipes that replaced the books of fairy tales.

Culinary biography - a conscious choice of laserson. In the school essay, written in the 6th grade, Ilya told about the desire to become a cook. The dream shocked teachers: the school was with an in-depth study of English, and Laberson's classmates were dreaming about the career of diplomats and translators.

After the 8th grade, the teenager entered the culinary technique, but Ilya managed to continue education only after the army service. After graduating from a red diploma in 1991, the Leningrad Institute of Refrigeration and Food Technologies, Lazison headed the restaurant of the Grand Hotel Evrop.

Personal life

Hobbies Laberson - collecting brass teapots. Ilya Isaakovich - a master of sports for fencing. Chef is happy in personal life. Natalia's wife gave Ilya of two children who came in the footsteps of the Father.

In September 2019, the Gold Griffonov team of the College of Business and Technologies at the St. Petersburg Economic University, which was included in the daughter of Ilya Sophia, won the 1st place at the XX Bakery Cup of Russia. In November 2019, the girl was awarded the title "Student Leader of Russia".

Laserson's family (with the exception of a son-known in the city, famous in the city of Neva, as a cook of Zhenya Celery) lives in a 3-storey cottage in the nearest suburb of St. Petersburg - Serrtolovo. At home prepares, as a rule, Natalia, and the rest of the household demonstrate culinary talents on family holidays.

Sometimes Ilya Isaakovich breakfers fast food noodles or finished fish chopsticks. The reason is the desire of culinary to try a dish capable of surprising his taste.


After Europe, where Ilya had a chance to feed such eminent visitors, as Vladimir Putin, Maya Plisetskaya and the author of Libretto to the musical of Andrew Lloyd Webber "Jesus Christ - Superstar" Tim Rice, in a native career, there were even several restaurants. Lazison has been repeatedly increased in the United States and Thailand.

Ilya Isaakovich - a popularizer of Russian cuisine abroad. So, in the youth during the "touring" trip to Paris, Lazerson was able to prove the French that buckwheat is very tasty, starting Croissants.

Cooking books and television shows often have catchy witnesses - "Lunch of celibacy", "KGB, or how to prepare her grandmothers", "FSB, or grandmothers branded secrets". Since 2008, in St. Petersburg, the culinary studio of Ilya Laserson has been operating with branches in Moscow and Sochi.

Ilya Laserson now

In the fall of 2019, Laberson interrupted cooperation with the SpaSibo Chef project due to the conflict with producer and co-supported Leonid Sheremetyev. According to Ilya Isaakovich, the show has multiple times for the filming of the kitchen, in which there was no oven.

The chef was forced to prepare only on the stove, which limited the menu. But more the absence of a brass cabinet prevented Sofhe Lazison, who demonstrated confectioner talents. After an ultimatum Guru Culinary Sheremetyev removed from the tolerance of releases with Sonya and deprived Ilya Isaakovich access to the project "Thank you, Chef" project. In addition, on the spasibo chef screensaver posted photos of culinary, turned horizontally, as if the author of recipes lies in the coffin.

In November 2019, Ilya Isaakovich presented his own Youtyub Channel "Laser Zone". On the Culinary page in "Instagram" there was a contest for guessing the name of the new project.

On December 24, 2019, Laserson held in the Moscow branch of his culinary studio master class on the preparation of Christmas dinner, the menu of which turned on the remokhon salad, onion marmalade and other interesting dishes. By October 2020, a gastronomic tour of Aquitain with Lazeron as a culinary guide was scheduled.


  • "Banquet. Buffet. Inexpensive
  • "Lunch of celibacy"
  • "Culinary libez with Ilya Lazeron"
  • "Service 325. Ambulance Culinary Aid"
  • SPASIBO Chef ("Thanks Chef")
  • "Laser Zone"

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