Zoe Kazan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Even for the creative personality actress Zoe Kazan - Unicum. It is distinguished not only unusual appearance, but also plastic expressiveness, the ability to finely feel the character and embody it into life. Probably, the secret lies in the fact that Zoe also screenwriter. Her Peru belongs to the films "Ruby Sparks" and "wild life."

Childhood and youth

Zoe Svaikord Kazan was born on September 9, 1983 in Los Angeles, California.

Love for the work of the actress and her sister Maya was inherited: Parents - Scriptures Nicholas Kazan and Robin Svaikord, and grandfather with grandmother - director Elia Kazan and Molly Kazan playwright (in Maulic Tatcher). They knew perfectly well how to educate a diversified personality, because they themselves were so.

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The Zoya Kazan itself, by the way, does not believe that the cause of her creative warehouse of the mind lies in heredity. In an interview with "Film Search", the actress said:

"I think heredity is only a small part, mostly matters your interest, and how much you want to achieve something. My rod is a passion, it is her who makes me wake up every morning and work without dodging hands. "

Interest in creativity in sisters Kazan woke up early. As a child, they often went to museums. Zoya could like the clock to admire the paintings by Edward Bern-Jones, and Maya redraws landscapes. Girls did not focus on a certain form of art - interested in painting, "swallowed" books, joined to different musical directions, from the opera to jazz.

The general education of Zoe Kazan received in private schools Wildwood, Windward and Marlborough in Los Angeles. Then actress entered the University of Yale - Alma Mater of his grandfather Elia Kazan. She entered the manuscript society - a team of playwright, where the literary talent of the American was manifested itself.

Yale University Zoya Kazan graduated in 2005 with the degree of bachelor of dramatic arts.

Personal life

In 2007, at the shooting of the film "Bypass Mika" (2010), Zoe Kazan met the actor of the floor was given. The romantic interest of young people has developed quite quickly. Couple together and now.Embed from getty images

According to Zoya, she spends half hours a day with the floor, and it is only for work. On the set and abroad, the actors share with each other creative achievements, rejoices for victories and upset failures. Time for a personal life - that's what loves really lacking.

In early 2018, Zoe Kazan appeared in public with a markedly rounded stomach. The tabloids in vain began to argue that the actress is pregnant. And indeed - in August of the same year, the daughter of Alma Bay was given.


Its path in the cinema Zoya Kazan began with the drama "Spacelers and thin" (2003). The irony is that the actress is 100% compliant with the name of the film - with a height of 163 cm weighs no more than 50 kg.

In 2006, American, following the profession received at the University of Yale University, debuted on Broadway. The production with which Zoe Casan first appeared on theatrical stage, is the "flourishing Miss Jin Brodi" with Sintia Nixon in the lead role. In the fall of the 2007th, the actress was able to play more solid characters in the "100 saints that you need to know" and "the things we want."

There was time, and the popularity of Zoya Kazan grew. Despite participation in serious film projects "in the Valley of Ela" (2007), "I and Orson Wells" (2008), the American woman became famous thanks to the theater. In 2009, she wrote the play "Absalom" about the relationship of fathers and children. The work later entered the program of the Yale University.

This event attracted more attention to Broadway to Zoe Kazan. She was invited to play the daughter of the heroine Meryl Strip in the comedy "it's hard," then the actress shared the Behanding In Spokane scene with Christopher Waolen and Sam Rokuell. There was a proposal from filmmakers.

"I hate Valentine's Day" (2009) is a project that opened a series of main roles in Zoe Kazan filmography. A few months later, the premiere of the "explosive girl" took place, and a year later, "happy together" (2010) and "Mika" (2010) were released on large screens.

From the youth, Zoya Kazan knew how to combine several things at the same time. She performed on stage, starred in the cinema, and in the breaks composed poems and novels, although she never thought that the writhe would become her profession.

For the first time in the conscious age, Zoya Kazan took a notebook and a pen in the hands, when she became an actress and began to walk on samples. She could have been able to sit without work for six months and this time was dedicated to writing. American woman had thoughts on paper, page behind the page.

"So the writing is not a self-discipline, but rather the need for me," said Zoe Kazan in an interview.

In the 2010s, one of the old major ideas actresses began to be embodied on paper. So the film "Ruby Sparks" (2012) appeared, in which Zoe Kazan and the floor were given loved. Love, however, came out "inflamed": from the candidate and bakery period, the personal life of the characters turns into hell.

Simultaneously with the "Ruby Sparks" on large screens, the tragicomedy "Friendship and No Sex" (2013) was shown, the shooting platform of which Kazan divided with Daniel Radcliffe, and the film "Twin" (2013), where the American had to play several characters at once.

A little later came out a mystical and romantic film "In Your Eyes" (2014) and the series "What does Olivia know?", For the role in which Zoe Kazan nominated on Emmy as the best actress of the second plan.

After "Ruby Sparks" Zoya Kazan and the floor were given that they can create masterpieces together. The next test was even more successful: the drama "wild life" (2018) with Jake Jillenhol and Carey Mulling starring highly appreciated the absolute majority of critics.

Zoe Kazan now

Recognize topical news from the biography of Zoya Kazan allows its account in "Instagram". So, the most anticipated event of 2020 was the premiere of the mini-series "Conspiracy against America", based on the Novel of Philip Rota of the same name.Embed from getty images

The series of the series occurs in an alternative universe, in which in the elections of the President of America in 1940, not Franklin Roosevelt won, and Charles Lidberg - a pilot, who never hid his anti-Semitic views. In the center of the story, the family of Jews, which, with horror, is observing how Nazi dictatorship is strengthened in the United States.

The shooting platform of the series "Conspiracy against America" ​​with Zoya Kazan divide Winon Rider, John Tour Robers and Ey Robertson.


  • 2003 - "Spagobroters and thin"
  • 2007 - "In the Valley of Ela"
  • 2008 - "I and Orson Wells"
  • 2009 - "Explosive Girl"
  • 2010 - "Bypass Mika"
  • 2012 - "Ruby Sparks"
  • 2013 - "Friendship and No Sex"
  • 2014 - "What does Olivia know?"
  • 2017 - "Monsters exist"
  • 2019 - "Real Love in New York"

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