What to do in self-isolation: exhibitions, museums, concerts, with children


Coronavirus locked the houses most people on the entire planet. Mankind instantly found out in prison, in which he dreamed of all working days. The expected holidays were not as in Gres. Weekend turned into a quarantine, tranquility in panic, and the brain can not understand what to do. The editorial office of 24cmi has prepared material about what to do in self-insulation, where to "go" online and what services provide free access.

Concerts and theater

  • Ben Gibbard, vocalist Death Cab for Cutie, released a homemade music show from his studio. He called him Live From Home. In the first issue, the singer fulfilled the compositions of Radiohead and The Postal Service and its own essays.
  • The musician Neil Young also decided to brighten the quarantine fans and announced the launch of Fireside Sessions online concerts.
  • The singer Yungblud has released a show with an empty hall. The British performer sings his songs in it, prepares three in a culinary insert with Oliver, answers the questions of fans and plays games.
  • 11 online performances decided to hold the Alexandria theater, it lasts until April 30.
  • Berlin Philharmonic has posted more than 600 concerts that have passed in 10 years, including new. Promotor Berlinphil will help get access to them.
  • The social networks also joined the marathon of home concerts. "Odnoklassniki" and "Vkontakte" launched broadcasts from the Mariinsky Theater. On different days, they showed the opera "Eugene Onegin", the third and fourth Symphony of Tchaikovsky, the symphony fairy tale "Peter and Wolf" and the ballet "Sleeping Beauty".


  • Hermitage in his public office in Vkontakte introduces people with live storage facilities, and also offers a virtual visit to the museum in the form of video.
  • On the site of the Tissen-Bornemis Museum you can visit the excursion to their permanent collection.
  • If there is a desire to look at the bones and skeletons of ancient animals, minerals, plants and artifacts, then a collection of 145 million exhibits for you. The National Museum of Natural History conducts online tours.
  • The London National Gallery is fascinated by a variety. It also provides a virtual journey of 18 beds, where more than 300 paintings are located. If a person wants to find out information about the work, you need to click on it. And the Google Street View technology allows you to like the gallery.
  • On the website of the Russian Museum, 8 exhibitions posted on the site, and in Odnoklassniki, it is possible to listen to the audio guide who read stars on a specific artist. And it is also proposed to pass a tour of the main exposition.
  • Kunstkamera joined the flash mob of online visits. The oldest Russian museum allowed the inspection of his halls with employees comments.
  • Technology 360 ° implies a thorough inspection of everything that is at exhibitions. The Metropolitan Museum exhibits short videos in which buildings such as the medieval monastery, the Egyptian Temple of the Roman Empire and the modernist building in the upper East Side are involved.

With kids

  • The main problem is on self-insulation - than to take children. The schedule is a good time organizer. You can make it with children, it will become an exciting occupation, if you give the child freedom to adjust it.
  • Cleaning is something that everyone advises during quarantine. You can get along with the children, do it in the form of the game.
  • Arrange a literary club at home with reading loud and discussing books.
  • Selfolation should not be caused by laziness, because the child can learn at home together with their parents. For this, the Sirius educational center has given access until May 15 for remote programs. A "Russian textbook" and "Enlightenment" give promotion "Lekimovyoma" for free use of electronic books.
  • You can make cooking dishes and children. It can turn into an interesting occupation, which will long pass the child.

health and beauty

During self-insulation, everyone had a lot of time that was so lacked on working days, therefore should not lose this period in vain. Hair and face require care, arrange themselves frequent spa treatments, and the result will not wait a long time.

At the time of quarantine about visiting the gym, everyone is forgotten, but no one forbids doing sports at home, many stars do it. In addition, there are many free training on the Internet.

Films and serials

  • Due to the non-working week, the Services provide free subscriptions to watch movies and TV shows. The online cinema "Film-Engine HD" gives a free subscription for new users in the Promotion of Pokavsedoma.
  • It is worthwhizing only to register on the site with Premier movies to get free access on it.
  • Documentary movie also does not lag behind the rest. Service Nonfiction.film allows you to free to watch their pictures on the SysoeVFM promotion.
  • Educational and Russian content on the website WINK is now also free.

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