Harmful products for teeth: dentist, sugar, treatment, caries


Each person knows that sweet is harmful to teeth, but some products make up much more evil. Citrus, coffee, berries, alcohol - this is not all the pathogens of the caries and the plaque. Most people are sobed by their teeth every day and do not even know about it. The editorial office of 24cm was the top 7 of harmful products for teeth.

Sweet carbonated drinks

In the destroying properties of sweet drinks, not only sugar, which in them is a lot. In the composition of the soda, carbon dioxide is present, violating the wholeness of the enamel. This component gives it such a miraculous property as cleaning household items from scale.


Fruits contain substances, useful for the body, but the reverse side of the medal is as follows - they spoil their teeth. Citrus are considered cruel killers of enamel due to the content of vitamin C and acids. How to protect your teeth from caries in this case? Rinse or clean them after another juicy orange.

Coffee and tea

If your day does not pass without a circle of tea or coffee, then get ready for frequent hikes to the dentist. Frequent use of these drinks threatens the destruction of the teeth. Caffeine and tannin, which are contained in them, dehydrated the body, which leads to problems with the absorption of calcium. And to these negative consequences, a brown raid is as a gift.


The bad effect of alcohol on the body was said as many times that the question is harmful to the teeth, it requires clarification. After all, durning drinks make in themselves not only headache. Alcohol dehydrates the body, which leads to a meager separation of saliva, which flushes food and struggles with increased acidity.


Beans and peas look harmlessly, but make a big danger to people who have problems with teeth. Beans isolated a phytohemagglutinin protein, which leads to inflammation of the root, and damage should remove it. For people who adore beans and peas, visiting the dentist is necessary.


Candy, marmalade and lollipops are all that the child loves so much. Products containing a large amount of sugar - executives for teeth. They develop caries and destroy enamel. The results of abuse of sweets will be pain and expensive treatment.


This unexpected product also carries the danger to the teeth, the manufacturer is enough to add minerals that will increase the acidity of water. It negatively affects enamel, so you need to always read the composition on the label. Water will not harm if the composition of the pH of 7-7.5 will be observed.

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