Coronavirus in the Murmansk region 2020: the latest news, sick, situation


From the beginning of 2020, the excitement associated with the spread of coronavirus infection does not subscribe. As of the first few days, the situation looks depressingly: the number of illnesses on the planet exceeded 3.6 million at the level of mortality due to the complications caused by 7%.

In Russia, at present, the situation also does not inspire excessive optimism - the country has already entered the 7th place in the world by the number of infected, and the figures of medical statistics on confirmed infection cases in the regions continue to grow confidently. Coronavirus in the Murmansk region is the topic of another release. How many cases were identified in the subject of the Russian Federation, what measures are taken by the Governor and the Government to overcome the crisis and countering the dissemination of infection, as well as the latest news from the region will tell the editorial board 24cm.

Cases of coronavirus in the Murmansk region

The spread of the disease in the region was uneven. The first contaminated coronavirus in the Murmansk region revealed on March 16 - they were the chess tournament of a 19-year-old Citizen Ireland held in Phalary. The 28th has become known about two infected people - in Apatity and Monchegorsk. Both cases also turned out to be imported - the sick returned to their homeland with Cuba and from Spain.

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Coronavirus and consequences: what awaits people

According to the regional operational headquarters, on April 9, 44 patients were identified in the subject of the federation, of which 21 people in Apatity and Kirovsk. By April 23, it was already reported on 663 cases of infection - the leader in the number of infected became Belokamenka, the wake of the village in the Kola district of the region. There were 494 sick. The rest accounted for Kirovsky-apatite agglomeration and Murmansk.

As of May 6, 2020 Coronavirus in the Murmansk region was confirmed in 2 237 people - the region was 6 positions in the country in terms of the number of infected. The greatest concentration of infected people is still on the territory of Belokamenki. Since the appearance of COVID-19, 4 patients died in the region from the SARS-COV-2 region complications. Recovered - 161.

Situation in the Murmansk region

Due to the risk of coronavirus spreading in the Murmansk region, the Governor of the region Andrei Chibis has introduced the regime of high readiness in the territory of the territory of the Federation under control of the subject. And from the 26th, the regime began to operate in the region, the regime of self-insulation, subsequently a tightened and repeatedly extended - at the moment the regional leadership decided to extend the effects of restrictions until May 11 inclusive. For today in Murmansk and the region, the following measures of countering the dissemination of COVID-19 are established:

1. The mass events are canceled, including cultural, sports, exhibition and advertising, regardless of the number of participants.

2. It is forbidden to provide medical, cosmetic, household and other services requiring the personal presence of the client.

3. The activities of night clubs, catering enterprises, entertainment and leisure centers are discontinued, including children.

4. Closed sports facilities, including fitness centers, water parks, swimming pools, and gym, regardless of departmental accessories.

5. Educational institutions of the region are transferred to distance learning, the work of kindergartens, with the exception of duty preschool institutions, intended for children of employees of enterprises, services and organizations that continue to operate in quarantine conditions.

6. Closed entry and departure to a number of cities and regions of the region to prevent the proliferation of coronavirus infection.

7. All entering the territory of the region are obliged to report on their own arrival on the telephone hotline and for 2 weeks to be at self-insulation.

8. Residents of the region, with the exception of employees and services that continue to function during self-insulation, prescribed to remain at home, except for separate cases, to which:

  • The need to visit the pharmacy or food store,
  • Appeal for emergency medical care;
  • walking domestic animals;
  • walks with children at the receiving territory;
  • Departure to the cottage, if the country area is located outside the area of ​​the quarantine mode.

The traveling is given the opportunity to avoid finding a mandatory 14-day isolation if the period of finding in the territory of the Murmansk region does not exceed 3 days.

According to the leadership of the region, problems with the supply of medical masks in the region is not observed - local enterprises switched to the manufacture of personal protection of the respiratory organs, including located on the territory of correctional institutions. Additional assistance comes from the Ministry of Industry. The last task to establish the supply of masks to the regions was delivered to the Russian government. The situation is similar to both protective suits for medical institutions, as well as gloves and disinfectants.

It is noted that although the conditions of the entered restrictive mode are stated, the fatigue is felt. Particularly complain of difficulties forced to build an educational process and learn teachers and schoolchildren who have collided with relevant problems. Moreover, both in the technical part (unstable Internet, server collars, the lack of computers from students), and in the matter of insufficient assessment of the capabilities of the students (unreasonably large volumes of homework, increased fatigue when working for PC). The lack of live communication with peers is added here.

Latest news

The latest news from the Murmansk region inform the following:

  • It was decided from May 5, 2020 to give permission to resume in the territory of the region of the work of cosmetic salons and hairdressers. Resolution is provided subject to compliance with the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor - the presence of personal protective equipment, regular ventilation of premises and disinfection after each visitor.
  • Governor Andrei Chibis held a meeting with the Regional Government about the introduction of the third package of measures aimed at supporting local entrepreneurs against the background of the spread of coronavirus in the Murmansk region. This time it was about subsidizing transport, tourist, as well as construction spheres.

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