Galina Gagarin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Daughter Yuri Gagarin 2021



March 17, 2020, on the birthday of Rudolph Nureyev, the sad news from the family of the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin came from the family. In old age, it was not his widow Valentina Ivanovna, who gave the beloved spouse two daughters, Elena and Galina. For many years, the woman worked in the Laboratory of Medical Department of the Flight Management Center and lived in a star town. From the window of her apartment on the 4th floor there was a monument to her husband, compressing chamomile in his hand.

Childhood and youth

The acquaintance of the cadet of the Orenburg military aviation school, Yura Gagarin and Vali of the hot, who worked as a telegraph before entering a medical school, a lot of books were written.

The widow of the first person who conquered the outer space, touched upon this topic in "108 minutes and the whole life." In more detail, they touched the meeting of Yuri Naginin in the "Stories about Gagarin". Lion Danilkin did not pass in Yuri Gagarin from the biographies' life of wonderful people. And, of course, he did not hear about the emergence of feelings and Valentin Gagarin in the story "My brother Yuri".

The latter told how the younger brother, unexpectedly arriving at the celebration of the 39th anniversary of the October Revolution, surprised the homemade sharp change of mood. Usually he infected everyone with inexhaustible fun and energy, and here - silent, thoughtful, cured from the world. More than others, understandable, worried about the mother Anna Timofeevna, who started talking to souls with her son just before the departure.

So in the fall of 1956, relatives learned about Yuri's beloved, with whom he met on dancing and was friends for more than a year. The young man was in her house and went well with his parents. Exactly a year later, October 27, 1957, young people got married in Orenburg, and then played a wedding in Gzhatsk, where the family of the spouse lived.

Soon they had already nursed the firstborn Lena, which appeared on April 17, 1959. And on March 7, 1961, just a couple of days before the birthday of her husband and a month before the legendary flight, the wife gave him and Gali. After 12 April, the couple with children moved from Moscow to the village of Chkalovsky, and from there in the spring of 1965 - in the star town, where the girls went to school.

In the daughters, the man's soul did not care and tried to spend every free minute with them. He took into the forest to collect mushrooms or just walk, took to ride a boat, skating or skis, satisfied picnics and entertained singing. Galina since childhood remembered the father is extremely disciplined, organized, a punctual person with a tremendous performance that does not tolerate the slightest deception.

"Our day started with the morning gymnastics, we practiced for 40 minutes daily. Caprises were not allowed. At age 5, he taught me to ride a two-wheeled bike. I fell, broke the knees, he raised me, seated again: "Forward!" I did not cry. It was impossible to cry, "she testified.

As you know, on April 10, Yuri Alekseevich wrote a letter to his beloved woman. In it, the cosmonaut's pilot asked the chief of heiress "not by the Belarusians, but by real people who would not be terrible."

Having received secondary education, the graduate was at the Economic Faculty of the current "Plekhanov". University girl graduated in 1982, but did not part with him later. Her older sister tied his life with art criticism.

Personal life

Personal life The younger daughter of the first cosmonaut arranged with Konstantin Leonidovich Kondrachik.

Its chosen is the chief freelance children's hematologist, head of the department and head of the city center of oncology and hematology of Morozovskaya DGKB. A man who also has a scientific degree teaching both the Pediatric Faculty of Medical Names named after Nikolai Pirogov.

The only son of a couple, named after Father Galina Yury, graduated from FGU MSU, became a candidate of economic sciences, tried forces in politics and presented his grandson's parents.


Behind the shoulders of the youngest Gagarina - graduate school, a scientist (associate professor) and a degree (Doctor of Economic Sciences), a lot of scientific papers and teaching activities for the posts of Zabedroy and Professor in Native Plekhanov University.

Not once, the woman passed courses of advanced training - at the International Business School University of Navarre IESE, in the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, at the Higher School of Management of the St. Petersburg State University, etc. The full list is presented on the official website of the university under the photo of the employee.

"Mainly, the choice of my future profession was influenced by communicating with graduates of our school in the star town, which were already studied in different universities and told me about it," Galina Gagarin told in an interview in 2011.

Galina Gagarin now

Galina Yuryevna continues to teach students of the Russian Economic University named after Georgy Plekhanov, heading the Department of National and Regional Economics. Now the teacher reads them lectures in the following disciplines - the placement of the productive forces, the basics of regional development, the basis for the sustainable and safe development of the regional economy, the regional economy and economic geography.

In mid-March 2020, Valentina Gagarin died after prolonged disease and coma. The daughter did not move away from the bed of the mother, the remaining faithful father and after his death. In connection with the loss of his condolences to relatives expressed Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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