Richard Griffiths - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films



British theater and film actor Richard Griffiths left life in 2013, leaving behind a deep mark in art. Cavalier Order of the British Empire, Laureate of Prestigious Prizes Lawrence Olivier, "Tony", "Drama Desk" and "Theater World", he remembered fans of talent in deep, multi-layered images and bright roles.

Childhood and youth

The star of theatrical stage and cinema was born in the summer of 1947 in the north of Britain, in the Yorkshire town of Tornabi-On-Tis. The family did not affect the choice of Richard's profession. Rather, on the contrary, the young man decided on the future work, contrary to the home environment and circumstances.

Parents, Stalevar and Tkachch, struggled ends with the ends and least thought about art. Congenital deafness of the father and the mother was the reason why the young Griffiths was forced to learn the language of gestures. Apparently, childhood and youth is not the happiest period in the biography of the actor, as in numerous interviews he recalled them casual.

At the age of 15, another attempt to escape from the house was a success, and Richard got a portrait on the market. Fortunately, a real friend was met on the way of the guy: a trader with whom he met on the market, insisted on returning to his family and school. Griffiths listened to the Council. In school, he was carried away by the game in the drama, and so that after the presentation of the certificate he entered the theater school in Manchester.

Personal life

Like the acting, and the personal life of Griffiths has developed successfully. He married in 1980 on a woman named Hater Gibson, Richard lived with her 33 years old. The only thing that overshadowed the life of spouses is the absence of children.


After leaving the walls of Manchester School of Drama, Richard settled to work on the BBC radio station, in his free time leaving the theatrical layouts. Success did not make himself wait: Soon Griffiths became a leading actor, fulfilling the main roles in the performances of the Manchester theater. The popularity found in his youth on stage opened the door artist to the cinema and television.

The 29-year-old Richard of Griffiths on the screen took place in 1975: he played Sam in the screening of the books of James Harryota "This should not have happened to the veterinarian." After the break, the filmography was replenished with roles in the TV series "Flying Square Scotland-Yard" and "Superman-2", "Gandy" and "Gorky Park".

In 1991, the premiere of two films at once, in which Griffiths got bright roles. In the Black Comedy, David Zucker "Naked Pistol 2½: The smell of fear", the artist appeared in the company Leslie Nielsen and Presley Priscillas. And in the comedy "King Ralph" met on the set with John Gudman and John Hort.

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Loud fame to the actor brought the role of Vernon in the screening of the novels of Joan Rowling about Harry Potter. The character in the execution of Griffiths so liked the fans of Ptterians, that the actor continued to reincarnate in Vernon Dursal and in the continuation of the tape.

Removing the cinema, the Briton did not forget about the theater: in the composition of the "Royal Shakespeare Troupe" continued to go on stage, receiving prestigious theatrical prizes.

In 2000, Richard Griffiths starred in the rating projects of Venus, "History Lovers", "Ballet Shoes" and "Guardian of Time" Martin Scorsese. In 2012, he was reincarnated in the Duke of Burgundy in the historic tape "Heinrich V".

The farewell role of the artist is played in the Richard Courtis District "Boyfriend from the Future". The premiere took place in the fall, but the Griffiths did not see her.


With the growth of 1.75 m, the actor weighed 78 kg. To fully started in mature years, when the age and heart disease affected. Another operation in the spring of 2013 has led complications that caused death. Griffiths died in the Coventry Hospital in March, without reaching the 66th anniversary of a couple of months.

Daniel Radcliffe, Daniel Radcliffe, was told about the big loss and associated sadness, firmly made friends with the senior colleague on the filming of Pecterians. The actor said that it was Richard that he breathed in him confidence in the first shooting tapes about Potter. Supported and during the debut on theatrical stage, charging with humor and inherent optimism. A lot of photos are preserved, where Radcliffe and Griffiths together.


  • 1975 - "It should not happen to the veterinarian"
  • 1980 - "Superman-2"
  • 1982 - "Gandhi"
  • 1983 - "Gorky Park"
  • 1986 - "Shanghai Surprise"
  • 1987 - "Whitatel and I"
  • 1991 - "King Ralph"
  • 1991 - "Naked pistol 2½: the smell of fear"
  • 1994 - "Tesman's bodyguard"
  • 1999 - "Sleepy Hollow"
  • 2001 - "Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone"
  • 2007 - "Ballet shoes"
  • 2011 - "Pirates of the Caribbean: on strange shores"
  • 2012 - "Heinrich V"
  • 2013 - "Boyfriend from the Future"

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