Films about Alien Invasion: Russian, foreign, trailer


Alien, terrible or comical heroes of films about an alien invasion always cause genuine interest. On significant focus of the decade dedicated to the seizure of the planet Earth, in the material of the editorial office 24cmi.

Skyline (2010)

A foreign thriller about the confrontation of the residents of Los Angeles in alien aggression "Skyline" from the director's duet of the brothers Strauss collected $ 79 million. The plot resembles a blockbuster of the last century "Independence Day". The acting includes young performers who are known for popular TV shows. Even without an impressive budget, the picture was spectacular.

"Phantom" (2011)

3D format film "Phantom" directed by Chris Morak and producer Timur Bekmambetova - the first Hollywood project, shot in Russia. A 70% team consisted of Russian performers. In the center of the plot - the invasion of the electrical aliens into Moscow. The painting internationally earned $ 64 million, but at the same time received negative critics reviews.

"Oblivion" (2013)

The list of films about the alien invasion continues "Oblivion". The action of the militant director of Joseph Kosinski with Tom Cruise in the lead role is unfolding in 2077. War with aliens is played, the land is unsuitable for life. The main character is engaged in the repair of flying drones, until it finds a stranger in a cosmole. Searches for answers to questions lead to an unpredictable chain of events. The film completely paid off and earned $ 286 million at the box office.

"Pacific" (2013)

A fantastic fighter "Pacific Rubbers" director Guillermo del Toro tells about the attack on the land of huge monsters - Kaizhu. History to the aliens will be able to robots-hunts, connected by neural connections with pilots. Prevent the apocalypse will trust inexperienced intern and former pilot. Critics noted that the director was carried away by the images of monsters, filling episodes of sorrow on the death of Kaizhu.

"Future Future" (2014)

A fighter Dag Laiman "Grand Future" hit the list of paintings by the viewer of paintings. William Cage takes part in the battle against aliens and dies in battle, capturing the aliens of Mimic. However, after a few minutes, wakes up in the past, that day that failed to live to the end. Trying to get out of the time loop, the hero receives a combat experience that gives an advantage in the fight. The film received high reviews from critics, and rental fees were less than expected.

"Attraction" (2017)

Picture of Fedor Bondarchuk "Attraction" - the first Russian film about the invasion of aliens in modern cinema. The viewer saw an unpredictable plot and plausible computer graphics. The project collected more than 1 billion rubles at the box office. In 2019, the filming of the film continue - "Invasion".

"League of Justice" (2017)

The fighter "League of Justice" directed by Zack Snider - a film about an alien invasion, which was created based on the comics of the same name. Superheroes are combined into the team to stop aliens under the leadership of Darkside. The idea of ​​tie two storylines - an alien invasion and teamwork of superheroes - did not find a response from critics. But the viewer liked the alternation of drama and comical moments that pretended to the original blockbuster.

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