Star Education: Musicians without education, Russian, where studied


In many areas, higher education is the key to career growth and success in the chosen profession. But among the famous musicians there are those who have not studied even in a music school, but achieved fame and popularity. The editorial office of 24cmi will tell about Russian pop stars without vocational education.

1. Viktor Tsoi

Parents of the future rock star had no relation to music, his father was an engineer, and Mom is a physical education teacher. From the school program, Viktor Tsoi paid more attention to the study of foreign languages. After school entered the art school. Serov, from where he was deducted for poor performance. Tsoi received a specialty carver on a tree in one of St. Petersburg. Playing the guitar The greatest rock musician learned in school years with comrades.

2. Vyacheslav Butusov

Another Russian Rock Star - Vyacheslav Butusov - by education architect. After school, the musician studied at the Sverdlovsk Architectural Institute and participated in the creation of a project of the city metro as a designer engineer in the architectural bureau. The game on the guitar and singing Butusov studied with friends at the local rock club.

3. Andrei Makarevich

The leader of the oldest rock group "Time Machine" also received an architect profession. The musician graduated from the Architectural Institute in Moscow. In the school years, Andrei Makarevich visited classes at the music school in the class of piano, but threw her studies, since the classes are tired. From the age of 12 began to study the guitar game independently, and later founded the creative team.

4. Yuri Shevchuk

The founder of the DDT group Yuri Shevchuk dreamed from an early age to be a professional artist and after school received a diploma of the artist-graphs in the Bashkir Pedago. In childhood and youth, the future artist was fond of drawing, but later the music took the first place in the life of Shevchuk. Playing on the accordion and guitar the musician studied independently, and also engaged with a private teacher.

5. Christina Orbakayte

Born in the family of star parents, Christina since childhood dreamed of scene and popularity. As a child, she was engaged in playing the piano, but there is no musical education at the pop star of the Russian pop. Orbakaite graduated from the Russian Theater Academy and became not only a well-known actress of the theater and cinema, but also took place as a popular singer, despite the lack of a diploma.

6. Diana Arbenina

One of the most famous domestic rock stars - Diana Arbenina - also does not have musical education. By profession Diana Arbenina - philologist. The first songs began to write at the age of 17, but in the music school, the star never studied. A student Arbenina performed at institute concerts and events. In 1993, he met Svetlana Surganova, with which he founded the group "Night Snipers".

7. Nargiz Zakirova

Nargiz first demonstrated vocal abilities on the "Voice" show, but the star did not study anywhere. Nargiz studied at the Circus School, and the voice went from her mother who was a popular singer. The father was also a musician, and the parents from the young years have adopted the daughter of love for music and taught it the basics of vocal skill.

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