Films with the lowest budget that have become popular: Russian, foreign, 2019


Modern cinema is striking the viewer with fantastic special effects and incredible scenery. The creators of films invest in filmmaking Millions of dollars in the hope of making the costs and disrupt the cashier. But there are films whose cash charges have surpassed all expectations and exceeded the cost of creating them in tens and hundreds of times. The editorial office 24cmi amounted to a list of Russian and foreign movies with a low budget, which paid off at the box office and became popular.

"Cards, money, two trunks" (1998)

The budget of the English criminal comedy amounted to $ 1.35 million. Cash films of the movie - $ 28.3 million, which for the UK is very good.

According to the plot, four friends tried to win money in poker at an experienced card cheeler, but they themselves were 500 thousand. Guys decide to make a robbery from which their adventures begin. The work of Guy Richie brought the author world famous, high ratings of viewers and 12 international and internal awards.

"Halloween" (1978)

Horror with a 300 thousand budget collected an incredible amount for that time - $ 60 million.

The plot talks about the mangyak who escaped from the mental hospital, which kills the inhabitants of a small town. The picture has become a phenomenon and ozit its creators, which at the same time did not take care of advertising and marketing to promote the painting. It is noteworthy that the White Mask of the Main Hero cost $ 2.

"Paranormal phenomenon" (2009)

One of the movies with the lowest budget. Shooting costs amounted to 15 thousand dollars, and cash receipts around the world exceeded $ 193,000,000. A low-budget horror tape, filmed in a pseudocumental style, paid off at 3,000 times.

The shooting took place in the house of the director Oren sang, and starved the unprofessional actors played. This explains the small budget of the film. However, the work received a positive assessment of critics and began the beginning of the same-name film franchise from 6 films and additions.

"Witch from Blair: Course from that Light" (1999)

Another pseudocumental horror shot, shot on an amateur chamber with representatives of independent American cinema. 22,000 dollars were spent on creating a tape. Ripped mounting, ripping frames of the amateur handcrame, the lack of special effects and musical design - despite all this, the cash collections of the paintings amounted to $ 248,000,000.

"Mad Max" (1979)

Mel Gibson has not yet acquired world popularity and did not receive large fees for the main role in the picture, and other actors have paid beer at all. The militant budget amounted to $ 200,000. The creators spent money on the purchase of cars, which in the frame actually broke. The film sedvere paid off at the box office 500 times and brought $ 99.7 million.

"Boomer" (2003)

Directed by Peter Buslov on the shooting of his debut work spent $ 700,000, and the income amounted to $ 2 million. Criminal action was cultivated in Russia, the musical theme brought it to the author Sergey Cellular $ 1 million. After the picture is released, a computer game has appeared, which has become a continuation with the new plot.

"Joker" (2019)

The budget of the American psychological thriller amounted to $ 55 million - the amount is small by the standards of modern cinema. In the global box office, the tape collected more than 1 billion dollars and ranked 6th in the ranking of the 2019 World Cash Films.

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