Jacques Louis David - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, paintings



The famous French artist Jacques-Louis David became famous in his native country and all over the world as a bright representative of French neoclassicism. In the works of the painter there were antique plots, and a romantic civil spirit, as well as plots from Roman history. Undoubtedly, the man contributed to the development of art in France.

Childhood and youth

Jacques Louis was born at the end of the summer of 1748 in Paris. His father was a wealthy trader, and therefore the boy's family lived well, but the man died early, leaving the Son to the care of the mother. Its further education was also engaged in numerous relatives on the maternal line.

The love of art David began to show early, and that his talent would not disappear, relatives gave the young artist to the Academy of Painting and Art. There he got into the hands of the Master of the Antique Art of Joseph Marie Vieen, who taught Jacques-Louis, passed him experience, skill, devoted especially every drawing style. The man believed in the student and understood that if he did not stop engaged, he would become famous painter. In the photo of portraits of those years, it is clear that in the youth of David was adults not by years and serious, and therefore was responsible for lessons at the Academy.

Personal life

With the future wife of Charlotte Pekul David met in 1782. Not everything smoothly folded in the personal life of the couple. Despite the presence of four common children, in the 1790s they divorced. It happened because of the political differences of the spouses.

In 1796 his re-marriage with Charlotte took place. Understanding that they were created for each other, all the subsequent years of a peculiar and David lived under one roof. Wife survived the spouse for just a year.


Teacher David Joseph Marie Vienna from an early age put a student in his head that a deep study of styles is required to create work. Jacques Louis gave preference to antiquity and in the mid-1770s with his head plunged into its study. The first fans of creativity appeared at the painter after 10 years, after he became a member of the painting academy and for the first time created an exhibition of his own paintings.

At that time, revolutionary movements were gaining turnover, which did not bypass the biography of the young artist. Being impulsive, emotional and serious, like many men, he quickly joined the detachments of liberation activists. In the paintings of the author written in that period, its political mood is traced. The thermadorian coup ended for Jacques-Louis to imprisoned with the rest of the movements.

After Napoleon Bonaparte came to power, David became his tary supporter, and later a personal artist. When the Napoleonic Empire fell, he fled to Switzerland and then to Brussels. There he continued to create new portraits, and although this genre did not attract him too much, thanks to him, David acquired glory.

The man wrote pictures until the last days of life, and therefore left behind a big collection of works of art. Among other than the fame, His work of 1784 "Oath of Horati", which contributed to the emergence of a new style of painting. The main source of the plot was the book Dionysia Galicarnas "Roman antiquities". In 1793, he created the painting "Death of Marata", which became one of the most famous images impregnated by the blood of the French revolution.

A separate list deserve David canvases dedicated to Napoleon. These are pictures "Napoleon on Saint-Bernard V", "Napoleon Bonaparte in the working office in Tuileries", "Coronation of Emperor Napoleon I and the Coronation of the Empress Josephine in Notre Dame de Paris", "Sestra Zenide and Charlotte Bonaparte" and others.

A lot of Jacques-Louis had portraits, for example, Frastist Francois Degin, Alfons Lerua, Antoine Laurent Lavoisier and his wife Marie Ann Pierrertt Polze, Madame Francois Boron and others. Self-portrait he created twice, in 1791 and 1794.


Until recent days, David lived in the house in Brussels, there was his life in the winter of 1825 in the winter. The cause of the death of the artist is unknown. The grave of Jacques Louis is located in Ever on the Brussels Cemetery.


  • 1781 - "Gasienary, Savoring Charging"
  • 1784 - "Goraciyev Oath"
  • 1787 - "Death of Socrates"
  • 1788 - "Love Paris and Elena"
  • 1793 - "Death of Marat"
  • 1795 - "Dutch Messenger in Paris Jacobus Bulo"
  • 1799 - "Portrait of Madame de Vernina"
  • 1799 - "Sabineani, stopping the battle between the Romans and Sabinians"
  • 1800 - "Portrait of Madame Recarier"
  • 1805 - "Portrait of Pia Pia VII"
  • 1825 - "Achilla's anger"

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