Fashionable food that do not justify their cost


A healthy lifestyle - this slogan by 2020 became especially relevant in the world, and there are not only regular physiotloads, limiting the consumption of nicotine and alcohol, but also a balanced selection of the diet. Help Define food products that are suitable for people preaching the heads seek manufacturers. The editorial office of 24cmi decided to figure out whether fashionable "healthy" products really bring tangible benefits, or it is only an attempt to increase the cost.

"Breakfast from the package"

The optimal option to "recharge" in the morning for a day - products with fiber and "slow" carbohydrates. And for the rescue, packaged porridges and muesli come to the addition of dried pieces of fruits and berries - it remains only to add water. The cost is several times higher than that of ordinary oatmeal, but as convenient and useful.

Alas, but manufacturers to make tastier, sugar, flavors and other chemistry are added. Instead of the benefit of "breakfast from the package" not only hides extra carbohydrates, but also is able to cause allergies, dermatitis and avitaminosis. Useful breakfast is best prepared independently. At the same time, the money will save.


Another fashionable product for call is the Granola. Baked mixture of nuts, oatmeal, honey, dried fruits and other additives in theory - an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. In practice, shopping options suffer from the problem as brewed porridges - excess sugar and food additives.

Moreover, even the "casserole" prepared at home will not become a "healthy" analogue, since honey, when heated, will turn into a useless sweet mass, and the nuts with dried fruits will add calories to this "unhealthy cocktail". It will be better to use separately in snack products separately - benefits will be larger, and spending is less.

Delicious, expensive, in vain

Another "healthy" trend is sports drinks. In addition to the cost, isotonic possess the other disadvantage - "useful" they are only compared to ordinary gas, sugar in them are also more than the norm. Yes, and do not forget about dyes - such bright colors without chemistry can not get. It is better to drink home compotes - useful elements in such a product significantly more.


Gluten (or differently - gluten) is danger only in two cases: if a person suffers from intolerance or he is less than a year. Otherwise, buying trendy products without gluten - a waste of money. Not to mention the "gluten-free" milk - a bright representative of marketing tricks for those who did not go to the lessons of the biology of the bearers of the head.

Milk without a cow

Another example of false marketing is the spread of fashion on vegetable milk instead of a cow, for the latter contains fats and lactose, which is harmful to the head. Lactose, like gluten, is harmful only at intolerance. In other cases, it bears benefit from the abundance of amino acids. From varieties of vegetable milk, only coconut can be called.

Dry but sweet

Dried fruits are useful if only in the "dry" fruit turned at home. Under the shopping package contains preservatives and sweeteners - the seller is important that the product is kept for a long time and was delicious, encouraging the buyer to purchase goods again. It is better to buy a Uryuk, Kuragu, Raisin and other dried fruits in the markets - and in 2020 it is not difficult to find people selling products from their own sect.

This is a business

Another fashionable product from the category of so-called "superfudoms" was an avocado - green fruit with dubious taste, but, as an advertisement aimed at the adepts, an amazing set of useful substances under the leather.

The exotic product actually became popular as a result of a competent advertising company, although it is no more benefit in it than in the usual vegetables and fruits of the "local spill" - exactly not the cost declared in stores. Moreover, the maximum dose will easily turn into a fan of a zozh unplanned extra weight set.

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