The highest building in Europe: 2020, where is, height, interesting facts, photos


For more than 130 years from the time he was ascended at 42 m over the Chicago streets building Home Insurance Building, which is considered the first skyscraper in the world. An architect William Le Baron Jenny is built this impressive in the same time. By 2020, almost 5 thousand "Skyfaces" appeared on the planet, and a thousand more is in the construction stage. Despite the fact that the majority of cyclopic buildings fall on Asia and the United States, in Europe there are also ultrahigh skyscrapers - about the highest European building will tell me the material 24cm.

Soviet "Tucheseza"

Gigantantia - a passion characteristic of not only the overseas capitalists. 6 years after the first skyscraper appealed to the ruins (said Home Insurance Building was demolished in 1931), the construction of the Monstrous Palace of Soviets began in Moscow. This monumental structure, the height of which was supposed to be 415 m, and for the current standards this value is impressive.

Unfortunately, the masterpiece was not given to be incarnated. The construction of the building, which was to be the symbol of the celebration of communist ideals over the capitalist values ​​of Western countries, prevented the Second World War I began in 1939.

Despite the fact that the sweating skill skyscrapers failed, and the Stater Monument of Lenin was not destined to be elevated above the Eurasian continent, the attraction to the "consecient" construction of the Soviet leadership did not disappear.

Two five-year plans, from 1947 to 1957, 7 buildings appeared in Moscow, which residents of Russia and foreigners know under the name "Stalinist heights". Among the monumental "Tuchezov", as the Russian people called the Skyscrapers even before the revolution, the MSU building was listed, which lasted in the position of the highest in Europe from 1957 to 1990, giving the first position to the Frankfurt "Messeturma".

Triumph of Russia

In 1997, the Okomrtobank-Tower Skyscraper was first published, again erected in German Frankfurt am Main. However, after 8 years, leadership in high construction in the European part of the continent is returned to Moscow - a 264-meter commander of the Triumph Palace grows near the Leningrad highway. From this point on, the "high-alone triumph of Europe" remains behind Russia, only the first positions move from one metropolitan new building to the other - and all in the Moscow-City business center.

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The exception was 2012, when the role of the first violin went to the London 310-meter The Shard. But already in 2013, after the end of work on the construction of Mercury City Tower, the wedge of the winner in the competition is the highest in Europe, buildings returned to Moscow.

In 2016, the Eastern Tower of the Federation was the highest European building, which a year later lost this title built in St. Petersburg "Lakhta Center" Tower, which is located on the shore of the Gulf of Finland.

"Lakhta Center"

The 87-storey skyscraper of the highest building of the highest building in Europe is part of the Lakhta Center social and business complex (height - 462 m), where since 2017 is the main office of PJSC Gazprom. In addition to the tower, a new business district of 570 thousand square meters. Meters include another multifunctional building, stilobate, entry arch building and complex of specialized facilities.

The architect was the British design and architectural bureau RMJM, whose headquarters is located in Edinburgh. Exclusiva Design SRL answered the interiors, which won the tender for the provision of services. The total cost of the construction of a business complex is estimated at $ 1.8 billion. More than 12 thousand specialists from 20 countries have been attracted to the construction.

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According to the project, the complex under construction, in addition to 300 thousand square meters of office premises, also includes:

  • Children's scientific and educational center;
  • medical clinic;
  • Overview platform located at an altitude of 360 meters;
  • restaurants and cafeteria;
  • exhibition halls;
  • aquatic amphitheater;
  • sports complex;
  • planetarium.

No building costs without curious moments. Especially in the case when it comes to such a project as the construction of the highest building in Europe. It is fair for the Lakhta Center skyscraper.

Interesting facts about "Lakhta Center"

We have collected interesting facts associated with this grand construction, inferior in the Eurasian continent in the European part of the Eurasian continent only to telebashne in Ostankino, the building in the design of the nonsense.

1. Given the features of the location of the highest European skyscraper - proximity to water and weakness of soils at the construction site, - under the tower there are 264 piles of 2-meter diameters, leaving in the ground by 82 meters. It also provides for a protective design for the foundation of 30 meters high, ensuring the safety of the base of the skyscraper and protecting the impact of groundwater.

2. Work on concreting the founding of the tower fell into the Guinness Book of Records as an unprecedented on-scale fill of the cement concrete mixture not only in Europe, but also in the world. The process continued throughout the fifty hours - during this time 19.6 thousand cubic meters of concrete flooded.

3. The original solution was used to create a tower of the "Lakhta Center" when creating a "Lakhta Center" tower - the so-called "core" is held at the entire height of the skyscraper, which is a cylinder of iron and concrete, inside which operates, cables and pipes, stairs and elevator mines are placed . The main task of the "kernel", on the idea of ​​engineers, the preservation of the integrity of the construction under the influence of external factors, including seismic activity. The materials used also guarantee a high level of fire safety - withstand up to 4 hours of flame exposure without changing functional qualities.

4. For ease of care, the tower provides special rails running along the edges of the structure along the entire height of the construction. They move the trolleys needed to serve the building, including for washing windows.

5. Glasses installed in the "Lakhta Center" tower have a thickness of 4 cm and withstand significant loads without damage. Break such a multi-layer package is predicaled not only with the help of priests, but even by firearms.

6. The building provides for a special backlight, due to which the building can be transformed into the highest christmas tree in Europe. For the first time, this was done on December 31, 2018.

7. The building has a grossival. However, since the level of the clouds sometimes passes below the tower spire, an additional system of electric charges from the outer shell of the tower is also provided by means of special toxodes.

One Tower

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the "Lakhta Center" tower refers to the category of administrative structures. But in the business center "Moscow-City" is built by one Tower height of 404 m - this building will be the highest residential building in Europe, the cost of the apartment in which is pre-estimated at 420 thousand rubles per square meter.

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