Coffee drink for children: in kindergarten, is it possible, benefit, harm, composition


Compote from dried fruits, tea with sugar, boiled milk, coffee drink in faceted glasses is familiar to us since childhood. Parents who gave the child to the garden are carefully learning the menu, and if the first three types of drinking are more or less transparent, the latter causes questions. The editorial office 24cmi will try to figure out what coffee drink makes and whether it is possible to drink it to children.

Benefit and harm caffeine

Caffeine is a natural stimulating substance whose compounds have a positive effect on the work of the brain and the central nervous system, blocks fatigue and is therefore popular with people.

Products containing caffeine: tea, coffee, cocoa, coca-cola, energy drinks, chocolate.

Caffeine use

  • Oddly enough, caffeine is useful for overweight, because it accelerates metabolism.
  • Coffee contains the amount of antioxidants sufficient to combat free radicals in the body.
  • Diseases, the likelihood of which reduces caffeine: cancer tumors, gout, heart failure, diabetes mellitus, Parkinson and Alzheimer's disease.
  • Nevertheless, the primary useful property of coffee is the ability to cheer up, improve performance and reduce the level of fatigue. It makes you think about why a coffee drink needs small children.

Damage to caffeine

  • The reverse side of the medal: Coffee is addictive, as it stimulates the emission of dopamine, the "hormone of joy": a person feels tired until he drinks a cup of invigorating drink.
  • Caffeine has a powerful diuretic effect, which is fraught with dehydration of the body.
  • An unlimited amount of coffee can cause blood pressure jumps, a bad blood flow to the brain, problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Coffee causes harm to the acid-alkaline balance of the body, therefore people who do not control the amount of dried coffee will soon encounter a lack of calcium and iron.

Coffee drink Children

The discovery for coffee makers will be the fact that the coffee drink that children get in kindergarten has nothing to do with the generally accepted varieties of coffee (Glasse, American, Espresso, Latte, etc.) and to caffeine, especially.

The damage to the coffee drink is the content of sugar, because the unsweetened drink the child will refuse to drink. Sugar is a high-calorie product that hurts the body of children: disapproving calcium and iron, causes hyperactivity and sleep disorders, becomes the cause of caries on teeth. In addition, sugar is addictive, which is fraught with overweight in the future.

At the same time, the coffee drink is rather useful for the child's body than harmful. It contains:

  • Oligosaccharides, forming a favorable intestinal flora;
  • Pectin contributing to the rapid removal of toxins;
  • Proteins, vitamin B, magnesium and biotin.

However, parents are advisable to pay close attention to the number of tea consumed, since in 150 ml of the product contains 20-50 mg of caffeine. The coffee beverage is not recommended to offer children up to two years, as it is fraught with problems with sleep and the rapid stomach. Daily consumption rate - 250 ml per day.

Composition of coffee drink

The composition of surrogate coffee includes the following components:

  • chicory
  • barley
  • acorn
  • soy.
  • rose hip
  • chestnut.

For the preparation of a delicacy associated with a kindergarten, according to technological maps, DW will take:

  1. Coffee powder - 8 g;
  2. Ultrapasterized milk - 100 ml;
  3. Water - 100 ml;
  4. Sugar - 12 g.

Preparation: bring water to boiling, pour coffee powder. Then the boiling mixture is insteaded for 5 minutes, after which sugar is added, milk and brought to a boil.

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