Women in war: Great Patriotic War, Soviet, flyers, participants, feat


On May 9, 2020, a significant date is celebrated - 75 years of victory in the Great Patriotic War. Four heavier years at the front and in the rear, in the trenches and in the factory workshops, the people of the USSR have fought for their own future, making combat and labor feats to bring triumph closer over the enemy.

Among the heroes of the military years, many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, on a par with men who beat the Germans, - about the heroism of Soviet women in the war, whose names forever retained the story, will tell in 24cmi.

Valentina Grizodubova

Valentina Grisodubova (photo: https://bel.cultreg.ru/)

"Night Witches" - so the Germans in the period of the war called Soviet pilots, who guided their aerial plates horror on the enemy troops. Valentina Grisodibova was among the pilots, even before the Second World War, which became one of the first women awarded the title of Hero of the USSR. During the war, he commanded a long aviation regiment and made 200 combat departures, including more than a hundred - nights: delivered cargo to the forefront and in the rear, bombed the military facilities of the enemy. The war finished the rank of colonel and continued to work in civil aviation.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko

After the start of Mr. Lyudmila Pavlichenko, passing short-term sniper courses, right from the pre-diploma practice went to the front. A woman in war destroyed 309 soldiers and officers of the enemy, including 36 snipers, for which it was nicknamed by the overseas press "Lady Death". In June 1942, he received a serious injury and was evacuated with advanced, and then sent with a delegation to the United States and Canada. After the war, he served in the GSF Navy of the USSR. Awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and was recognized as the most effective sniper woman in the history of world wars.

Maria Oktyabrskaya

Bust Maria Oktyabrskaya (photo: https://ru.wikipedia.org/)

We must not forget about the feat of another participant of the Second World War - Maria Oktyabrskaya, the first in the Soviet army, who became a mechanic-driver of a tank. To take revenge on the Germans for the death of her husband, Maria Vasilyevna from his own funds paid the construction of the T-34 "Combat girlfriend" and achieved the personal permission of Stalin to go to the front. In January 44, he received an injury and after 2 months passed away. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union is awarded the title of Hero. He served as the prototype of Natalia Bondar from the series "Strong armor".

Elena Kolovova

Russian girl Elena Kolovova worked as a pioneer, but in June 1941 went to the front. During the war, he commanded the partisan sabotage group operating in the enemy's rear and for 6 months of 1942 destroyed 6 enemy garrisons. The Germans promised to local residents for the "Ataman-Paradnitsa Lelk", the Germans promised 30 thousand Reichsmarocks, 2 liters of vodka and a cow. Died in September 42nd under the villages of the Vyritica during the attack of the fortified garrison. Posthumously received the title of Hero of the USSR.

Nina Onylova

Nina Onylova, who fought as part of the 25th Chapaevsky division, received the nickname "Anka-Muthettil" in honor of the heroine of the Soviet film. A woman at war came as a sannistant, but subsequently was transferred to the machine-gun platoon and soon led the calculation. It was repeatedly distinguished in battles, was injured, but quickly returned to the system. Died in March 1942 during the defense of Sevastopol. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union is awarded the title of Hero.

Nadezhda Troyan

During the war, the Nadezhda Troyan entered the partisan detachment "Burya occupied by the German territory, Nadezhda Troyan joined the partisan detachment, and participated in combat operations, including together with his comrades, was able to escape the Soviet Prisoners of Secret. He participated in the preparation of the attempt on Wilhelm Cuba, for which he received the title of Hero of the USSR.

Faith Kashcheev

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But first of all, the image of a woman in war is associated with salvation. The name of the faith of the Kashevaya - Russian Women's Sannaster, not only among the first 25 paratroopers forcing the Dnieper in October 43, and continuing after the injury to hold the bridgehead, but who ended up during the war from the battlefield wounded soldiers and officers. Cascoeva awarded the title of Hero of the USSR and was awarded the Florence Florange Medal.

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