Gretel (character) - pictures, genera, fairy tale, film, 2020, actor, Sofia Lillis, brothers Grimm


Character History

Gretel - Samsel's sister from the fairy tale Brothers Grimm. Together with the brother, the heroine is captured towards the old man-ogydok and the miracle remains alive. The work of German writers has repeatedly shielded, and the image of the girl has undergone changes.

History of character creation

The Grimm Brothers heard a breathtaking story about children who were lost in the forest and almost died in the witch's house, from Dortkhen Wilde - the future wife of Wilhelm. The work was written and published in the collection of fairy tales in 1812. True, the initial text is straightened from the adapted material for children.

So, in the original version both parents who sent children to death are biological. After the same time it was decided to include a stepmother in the story, and the father attributes the feeling of guilt and repentance for the deed. Similar situations with a despotic new wife and a bright Father beating repeatedly.

The origins of this terrible plot, presumably, lie in 1315-1317. At this time, the Epoch of the Great Hunger began in Europe - a large-scale disaster that was established due to abnormal weather conditions. Burning crop, exhaust prices for products - all this provoked the growth of disease and crime and, of course, the lack of opportunity to feed the family.

As a result, the phenomenon when the parents threw the children for hungry death, was common everywhere. Particated cases and cannibalism.

But the same gingerbread house from the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel" is a frequency image of the hubbaba Yaga. Again, initially the mortality of the witches had the following description - "covered pancake and beloved by the pie." This, according to Slavic traditions, ritual funeral food. Europeans also took the idea of ​​"edible" at home, turning it into a gingerbread.

But the main idea was preserved - two young children fell into the world of witchcraft and cruelty. Devoted by their own parents, one on one with a terrible witch, they are forced to count only on their own strength.

Gretel, allegedly, the Gesente's twin, although there is no direct mention of this in the book. Using this sample, in subsequent screen vendors, the directions try different images by changing age, and then the character of the character.

Image and biography of Gretel

The main characters of the fairy tales will learn from the conversation of the father and stepmother that they are going to withdraw far into the forest and leave. Creepy hunger forces a man to agree with the arguments of a new wife, although in fact he simply does not decide to go against a despotic woman.

Gretel with horror understands that she does not survive in a dark and terrible forest. The girl begins to cry, but the brother soothes the sister, promising that it will find a way out. And comes up with - picks up a full pocket of white pebbles and imperceptibly throws them along the road to the forest. Thus, the children were able to return home in the footsteps in the evening.

But the evil stepmother was not going to stop attempts. She did not allow the steps to repeat this focus, and then the boy began to crumble the scratch of bread, trying to make the invisible path to the house. But, unfortunately, forest birds missed the "landmark", and the children were lost in the dense terrain.

Herring, they will raise to a gingerbread house. Not believing happiness, Gretel and the Henzel are thrown into sweet materials. But the dwelling was not inconspicuous. The old woman lived in the house, which welcomed guests, fed and laid down.

Already in the morning, the gene was waking up locked in a cell. It turned out that the hospitable mistress is a real witch and cannibal. She forces the Gretel to help cooking food to fatten his brother, and later devour it.

Gretel, due to its character and age, is not able to resist an evil old woman. The girl is performed by the witch's pungents for a few weeks, sorry that her brothers did not eat wild animals in the forest.

But the day came when the hostess of the gingerbread house decided to fulfill the bloodthirsty plan. The sorceress ordered Gretel to prepare bread. After she nodopila oven, demanded that the captive climb into it - to check whether it is possible to put the dough.

The girl came down here that the witch wants to get rid of her. She asked the cannibal to show how to climb into the oven. The old woman turned, but, without guessing the intentions of the sister of Genel, demonstrated this. And the small heroine of the fairy tale quickly closed the damper. With terrible cries, the painful of children died, squeezing live.

The liberated children find in the jewel and return home unharmed, and even with wealth. By this time, the stepmother is dying, and the daily father promises that it will never do that with his son and her daughter.

Gretel in a fairy tale is demonstrated by a fierce and fearful. She often cries, but the Hansel tries to calm her sister and manifests a smelter for the sake of salvation. Nevertheless, at the end of the story just the same the girl is assigned the main role of the liberator. Left alone on one with the enemy, she overcame her fear, showed a swirl and won evil forces.

Gretel in films

The original story has become a fertile soil for the turbulent fantasy of the Cinema. A huge number of shields in the horror genres on a different manner interpreted the adventures of two missed children. Some of them received positive feedback from the audience.

The first American film was removed by the director Tim Burton in 1982 for the Japanese audience. Interestingly, the picture was shown only once - on the Children's TV channel disney in Halloween, late at night. Transformer robots designed by the father of children appeared on the screen. Under the influence of witchcraft, they turned into bloodthirsty monsters.

In the genre of Family Fantasy, the story written by the Brothers Grimm went to large screens in 1987. Director Len Talan took off the colorful fairy tale of the celebration of good strength over evil, fully repeating the plot of German authors.

A rather successful interpretation was the cartoon "Enchanted Rabbit" of 1954. In a hand-drawn picture, focus of attention moves to Bagan Bunny, which travels with Hansel and Gretel. Children manage to escape from the house of the witches, but a cult character to be alone to confront an evil old woman. Happi-end included and romantic notes. The sorceress turns into a rabbit-girl.

A peculiar continuation of the fairy tale received in the 2013 thriller - "Witch Hunters." The matured brother and sister pursue one goal - to kill all the witches. The faint literary heroine of Gretel turns into a desperate woman, masterfully controlled with weapons (Jemma Arton). At the end of the film, the main characters will learn the truth about their childhood, which completely turns their consciousness.

In 2018, the Orion Pictures film studio began shooting the horror movie "Genel and Gretel", the premiere of which will be held in Russia on January 3020. The role of Sofia Lillis is already given to Sofia Lillis, known for participation in Horror "It". The younger brother will play Sam Licks - for the young actor it will be a debut job.

Judging by the official trailer, the events described by writers will receive an unexpected interpretation. However, the sinister pictures and creepy scenes are not at all a new concept of articles of fairy tale brothers Grimm.


  • 1812 - "Genesel and Gretel"


  • 1932 - "Children in more often" (USA)
  • 1954 - "Genzel and Gretel" (Germany)
  • 1954 - "Enchanted Rabbit" (USA)
  • 1955 - "Genzel and Gretel" (United Kingdom)
  • 1987 - "Henzel and Gretel" (USA)
  • 2013 - "Genzel and Gretel" (USA)
  • 2015 - "Genzel against Gretel" (USA)
  • 2019 - "Genesel and Gretel 3D" (Germany)
  • 2020 - "Genesel and Gretel" (USA)

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