Coronavirus in Dagestan 2020: Latest News, Ill, Situation, Cases


In Russia, it was already begun to consider the procedure for exiting the restrictive regime introduced everywhere in the state, but to celebrate the victory over the infection early - to May 2020, the country was firmly settled in the top ten leaders in terms of the number of SARS-COV-2 infected.

In this article, we will talk about the situation with Coronavirus in Dagestan. How many cases for today have been identified in the region, what measures to counteract the dissemination of the disease are adopted by local authorities, as well as on the situation with protective and drugs - in the material 24cm.

Cases of Coronavirus in Dagestan

About the first confirmed case of coronavirus infection in Dagestan from Makhachkala reported on March 27, 2020 - the patient was a deputy of the local parliament, previously placed with suspicion of COVID-19 in the Republican Infectious Center. Also, the authorities of the republic reported on 9 hospitalized, whose preliminary tests made it possible to assume the presence of an infection in the body, - all previously returned to their homeland because of the border. It was assumed that with one of them contacted the sick deputy.

True and lies about coronavirus

True and lies about coronavirus

By the end of the month, the number of patients who have a laboratory check confirmed the contamination of SARS-COV-2, up to 13 people increased, and on April 2 - up to 25. After that, there was a short pause, after which, 6 numbers, the increase in the number of infected continued, to 18 April bringing the figures of statistics to a mark in 257 infected at 9 dead.

In today's date, May 8, 2020 , The Republic of Dagestan by the number of patients occupies 5th place in the country: 2468 infected were recorded in the region. She died - 17 people, cured - 508. The largest number of cases in Makhachkala and Caspian, as well as in Khasavyurt and Kumtorkali districts.

Situation in Dagestan

The mode of increased readiness aimed at countering the spread of infection, the authorities of the region introduced from March 19. Long before the moment when the answer to the question is whether Coronavirus is in Dagestan, has become uniquely positive. With the 30th, the list of measures to combat pandemics was expanded, and from April 1, in the republic, in the example of other regions of the country, the regime of self-insulation was introduced, which was subsequently extended. Its action is maintained on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation until May 11 inclusive and will be prolonged if the situation with Coronavirus in Dagestan will not improve. Today, the following restrictions apply in the region:

one. The work of entertainment and shopping centers, markets and shops, with the exception of trade-selling essentials and pharmacies, as well as organizations carrying out the delivery of remote and items of issuing trading online sites are discontinued.

2. Night clubs, cinemas, banquet halls, restaurants and cafes are closed, with the exception of shipping.

3. Cosmetics and spa salons, hairdressers and massage rooms, as well as other institutions providing services to cosmetology, medical and household profile, requiring the personal presence of the client.

4. Massive events are canceled, including cultural, sports and religious, regardless of the number of participants.

five. The activities of sports and gym, fitness centers, pools and water parks are stopped.

6. At the entries and departures from the settlements and districts, the checkpoints that control the transport flow for permitting documents giving the right to move on the territory of the subject of the Federation and beyond was established.

7. Residents of the region are prescribed to be self-insulation and not to leave the house, except in cases provided for by the Decree of the Head of the Republic of Vladimir Vasilyeva:

  • Appeal for emergency medical help;
  • walking domestic animals;
  • removal of household garbage;
  • Visit the shops closest to the house and pharmacies;
  • Following the place of work if the company is among the continuing activities after the introduction of a restrictive regime.

Under the current restrictions, in addition to the system-forming enterprises, the media, printing houses, notarial offices, construction organizations, as well as companies engaged in the manufacture of equipment are not falling.

Despite the measures introduced due to coronavirus in Dagestan, the dissemination of infection in the republic failed. Among the main causes of failure is the attitude of local residents to the disease. In response to the appeals of doctors, many Dagestanis with a mockery responded about a pandemic, arguing that no infection would make proud mountains sit at home, continued to walk and attend the mosques. Some authoritative individuals, in their videos and posts on the Internet, declared that COVID-19 - fiction.

When the scale of the problem has become clear not only by doctors, but also to simple residents of the Republic of Dagestan, it was too late. Today, in a number of areas and settlements of the region in hospitals, there is an acute deficit of drugs, medical equipment and doctors. And therapeutic institutions themselves turned out to be crowded patients with characteristic signs of pulmonary infections. The Ministry of Health of the Republic allocated funds to stabilize the situation, but it was not possible to solve difficulties yet.

Latest news

The latest news about the situation with Coronavirus in Dagestan looks like this:

  • The wife of Muftan Akhmad Abdulaeva Aina Gamzatova, together with her husband, treated from coronavirus infection, drew the attention of the authorities to the lack of necessary equipment in Makhachkala hospitals.
  • Khasavurtovsky district, the third in the republic by the number of infected SARS-COV-2, is completely closed for entry and departure to prevent the further dissemination of COVID-19. Earlier passes issued by the local administration.
  • Coronavirus in Dagestan "spoiled" the rise in prices in the pharmacies of the region to medical preparations and personal protective equipment, and also provoked the deficit of drugs. Activists are preparing lists of unfair entrepreneurs to send to the federal antimonopoly service. According to antimonopolyers, pharmacies whose owners decided to earn on pandemic, will be closed by the court decision and are devoid of licenses.

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