Larisa Brochman - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Larisa Brochman is an artist and a singer who has no professional acting education. In the TV shows "Mult Personality", a former therapist announced ladies-politicians and secular liones, but Brochman's major audience - children, because in filmography Actresses are dominated by cartoons.

Childhood and youth

Larisa Efimovna was born in the winter of 1962 in the industrial center of the Southern Urals - Chelyabinsk. In school number 46, Brochman was famous for both participant of amateur amateur, and as a 3-fold winner of urban biology olympics.

Love for science about living organisms led the girl to the Chelyabinsk Medical Institute. In the university, Larisa played in KVN, the Bardov Songs sang and with American classmates, Yuri Kharchenko and Andrei Volkov, created the "Cartoons" trio, which became a laureate of the Ilmen Festival in 1985.

After spending 2 years by a district doctor, Brochman on the proposal of Oleg Mityaev was translated into the Chelyabinsk Philharmonic. In the puppet theater, the actress dubbed Kickymore.

On Russian television, Larisa appeared in 2002, while playing Alexander Gurevich's show "One hundred to one" for the "Cartoons" command. Brochman's voice liked the creators of the computer game "Three heroes, or a very terrible fairy tale," that they invited a native of Chelyabinsk to voice Shahryzad.

Personal life

Larisa does not expose personal life at the bottom. A woman has pages in "Instagram" and in Vkontakte, but the photo and news placed in them mainly relate to the professional activities of the actress. Exception - pictures of Larisa with her son.

Sibling Brothman name Alexander. It was Sasha who was delighted for all of all in 2007, when Mom entrusted to voiced Bart Simpson in the filmmakers of the legendary series. Now he works in Prague the organizer of the holidays and, despite several marriages Larisa, remains the main man in her life.


Larisin The timbre in many young Russians is associated with a white bearish elk. Fluffy resident of the Arctic Larisa voiced three times in cartoons taken in the first decade of the 21st century. Twice voice Brochman said the apartment hostess Sherlock Holmes Mrs. Hudson - in the cartoon Alexander Bubnova "Sherlock Holmes and Black men" and in the television parody of Camille Larina in the final of the Competition of the first channel "Repeat!".

Brochman's voice is often launched by the Cartoon Cartoon Cartoon Doubles: Kitten Rudolph in the full-length cartoon "lived-had a cat", the eared character of Edward Assumption in the Japanese "Cheburashka" and even the heroes of the Anime series "Pokemon" for Russian-speaking young spectators talk and laugh in Larisa's voice .

Larisa claims that for the sounding it is not necessary to see what is happening on the screen. It is enough to listen to the story of the director about the biography and the character of the character, his actions and emotions. Brochman admits that cartoons became more stringent, and regrets that in the 21st century, Russian animation has not yet created the image of the hero, which would like to imitate.

Sometimes actress is engaged in visual adult films. So, in 2015, Brochman presented the voice of the heroine of the Australian Dramati "Revenge from Couture" Elsbet Bonom, in the original Caroline Hudoll-executed Englishman. And in 2017, thanks to Laris in Russian, two characters of the French tape "Madame" spoke - Zzoian and Sean. Earlier, in 2009, Brochman dubbed the young heroes of the French family comedy "Little Nicolas"

Larisa Brochman now

In the comedy multi-seater series of 2018, the Dr. Kotov veterinary clinic, shot by the director Ashot Kesyan, Larisa performed the episodic role of the mistress of ducks. In 2019, Brochman's filmography was replenished with the animated series of "fareering", in which the actress voiced Fairy Dudre.

In December 2019, the full-length animation film "Fix against Crabot" came out on the screens of Russia. As in the previous cartoon franchise "Fixiki: a big secret", as well as in the cartoon series "Fixy", put up based on the work of Eduard Assumption "Warranty men", the Characters of Simka and Mom Dimdimich says the vote of Brochman. In addition, Larisa is still responsible for the dubbing of the heroes of the Canadian animated series "Puppy Patrol" Zuma and Fastep.


  • 2004 - "Elka and Star Postman"
  • 2005 - "Magic Hills"
  • 2006 - ELCA
  • 2007 - "Simpsons in Cinema"
  • 2009 - "Little Nicolas"
  • 2010 - ... - "Fixy"
  • 2013 -... "Puppy Patrol"
  • 2013 - "Sherlock Holmes and Black Mens"
  • 2013 - "Cheburashka"
  • 2015 - "Revenge from Couture"
  • 2015 - "Pokemon"
  • 2016 - "lived a cat"
  • 2017 - "Fixy: Big Secret"
  • 2017 - Madame
  • 2019 - "Fixes against the crab".
  • 2019 - "Facey"

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