Film "Diversian. Crimea" (2020): Actors and Roles, Cinema, Where Removing, Release Date


By the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory, the film "Diversian. Crimea "directed by Dmitry Josephov. The third part of the series - Interquell, telling about the events that occur between the parties "Diversian" and "Diversian. End of war. " On the actors and roles that they executed, as well as interesting facts, films in the material 24cm.


In the center of the plot - the military actions of 1942 in Crimea, after the delivery of Sevastopol. Alexey Bobrikov and Leonid Filatovu is entrusted to find and eliminate the captain of the 1st rank of Alexandrova, who is accused of passing the key military marting of the Crimea. Perform the task of the heroes did not work. The repeated plan also did not work, and Bobkov with Filatov turned out to be in captivity. But even on the verge of full failure, the saboteurs will have to take the situation under control and take everything you need to preserve the dignity and defend the interests of the Motherland.

Release date "Diversian. Crimea "- May 9, 2020.


The main roles in the film "Diversian. Crimea "performed the actors:

  • Kirill Pletnev - Senior Lieutenant Bobkov;
  • Alexey Bardukov - Senior Lieutenant Filatov;
  • Sergey Koltakov - Ivan Alexandrov;
  • Daria Zhovner - Margarita, a connected partisan detachment;
  • Alexander Oblastov - Parisan Semen;
  • Artemy Alexandrov - German Diversian Banzen;

The following actors are also involved in the picture:

  • Angelina Strechin;
  • Eldar Calimulin;
  • Daria Rumyantseva;
  • Alexander Bukharov;
  • Adrian Zwicker.

Interesting Facts

1. After death in 2010, Vladislav Galkina, who performed the key role in Grigor Kaltygin, the film crew decided that the actor's replacement would not be. However, the creators of the new part of the franchise promised that the hero will be present in the plot.

2. For the first time in cinema, the audience will see the Southern German form and the Romanian ammunition, which was distributed in the occupied territory of the Crimea. Sevastopol reconstructors created both medical and hospital suits. The creators of the film promise that the viewers will have a feeling that clothes on the heroes are used.

3. Kirill Pletnev and Alexey Bardukov did not immediately agree to participate in the third part of the "saboteurs". Actors who approached the 40th anniversary have to play 20-year-old young people. Plentnev feared too much an adult look at his hero, and Bardukov had to throw a couple of kilograms. "This is the convention that spectators, I hope we will be forgotten," said Bardukov in an interview.

4. To achieve historical accuracy, the creators came to the idea that the fascists will play German colleagues. However, the role of the Nazi Diversanta got the actor Artem Alexandrov, who had to learn German.

5. At the actor Alexander Oblava, who performed the role of partisans, also arose linguistic difficulties. According to the script, the character of Oblava - Odessa with talking. Mikhail Zhvanetsky concerts were helped in their role.

6. In the Crimea, where the film was filmed, you can see the picturesque locations: Ai-Petri Plateau and the cave city in the Bakhchisarai district. And some of the dialogues and episodes of the film arose after the study of historical documents about the delivery of Sevastopol.

7. About half of the movie scenes are captured in German.

8. There are episodes in the cinema, where you can see the German ship-refilled ship, which has been preserved since the time of war.

9. Unlike the first two parts of the "diversanta", the tricks in the film performed cascaders. The film crew was afraid that injuries could slow down the process.

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