Svyatopolk Izyaslavich - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Board, Cause



Russian Prince Svyatopolk Iaslavich belonged to the ruling dynasty of Rurikovich, who was responsible for the land around Kiev, Polotsk and Pripyat. He was a skillful commander and a diplomat, who helped Vladimir Monomakhi to fight against a nomadic threat and preserve the boundaries of the ancient land.

Childhood and youth

According to the chronicles, Svyatopolk was born on November 8, 1050 in the family of Prince Iaslav Yaroslavich and Gertruda Polish, his wife. True, some historians and modern researchers believe that the ancient Russian ruler occurred from the simple concubine of Elizabeth, or Oislava.

Anyway, the tags, along with the brothers Yaropolk and Mstislav, was the grandson of Yaroslav Wise, the great ruler of Kievan Rus. His grandmother was considered the daughter of Olof Schinkonung, known as Ingegere, or Irina, who played a role in relationships with the countries of Northern Europe.

According to the tradition, which established in the genus Rurikovich, Svyatopolk was baptized in the Orthodox Church and after the rite, executed in all the rules, began to be called Prince Mikhail. In the young 19th age, he became the hereditary prince Polotsky and received the territory of modern Vitebsk after the brother died.

In 1071, when the power was taken away by Vseslav Bryachlivich, the young ruler went to Kiev, and then joined the exile to his father. After a while, as a commander, he entered the army of Vladimir Monomakh and became Prince of Tourvsky, and in 1093 Novgorod.

Personal life

About the personal life of Svyatopolka Izyaslavich information is not fully reliable, but researchers of biographies suggest that he had several wives and children. The first chosen was considered the heiress of the Byzantine Emperor or Czech Prince, who gave birth to Yaroslav Svyatopolchik, who became the governor of the father's lands.

In 1094, after marriage to the daughter of Polovtsy Khan, the rulers of Torovsky Bryachlis and Izyaslav appeared on the world. And the last child, whose mother was concubine, put on the reign in Novgorod-Seversky, and he was mentioned in the tale of Fedor and Vasily as the son of Kiev ruler Mstislav.

Governing body

During the reign, Svyatopolka Izaslavich on the Earth, mentioned in the "Word about the regiment of Igor", there was a fierce struggle with Polovtsy, who wanted to conquer the territory. The new prince, having consisted with the vigilantes, rejected the possibility of negotiations with the enemies and during the battle of the coast of the chair lost half of the army.

The next slip in the activity of the ruler was the fight at the borders of Kiev, and then there was another defeat in battle in the town called Halep. I had to conclude a disadvantageous world with nomads, which had a negative impact on domestic politics, because by this time the prince of Oleg was expelled from Chernigov.

In this interlist, Svyatopolk supported the great military leader Vladimir Monomakh, and together they managed to restore the balance and return the former alignment of the forces. However, in 1096, the united ardor of Polovtsy appeared on the left bank of the Dnipro river and began to burn at home and monasteries.

A major achievement of the grandson of Yaroslav Wise, who stayed at this time on the reign in Kiev, became a victory on a pipe, regarded as a turning point. Then there was a decrease in the tension between Monomakh and Oleg Svyatoslavich, and in 1097 the historical Lubache Congress took place.

To avoid problems in foreign policy and strengthen the army, which defended the borders, Svyatopolk remained in its territories in Kiev and tours. But then the Volyn ruler Davyd Igorevich was blinded by the younger son of Rostislav Tmutarakan, and the princes had to come together at a meeting in the city.

From Scholopolka demanded to punish the perpetrator and expel it from controlled territories, so the prince of Kiev decided to take advantage of the situation and assign a part of the incomplete lands. But his army was broken in the bloody internecine battle, and only the Congress held in Guisuits decided to hold the issue of ownership.

In 1103, the grandson Yaroslav Wise was mentioned by the chronicles in connection with the transfer of the struggle against the Polovtsy to the territory of their tribes. Svyatopolk with Prince Volynsky and Vladimir Monomakh was divided by Khan Stewukan and took control of enemy lands on the shores of the Donets and in the city of Sugrov.


According to the chronicles, Svyatopolk Izyaslavich died on April 16, 1113 after Easter, which was noted in all the principalities of Kievan Rus. The death of the ruler due to poisoning or due to the long-term disease of the boyars was mourned after burial in the grave in the Orthodox Church.

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