Leo Bonart (character) - Photo, author, Angey Sapkovsky, image, description


Character History

Leo Bonart - the Sagnonist Saga "Witcher" of the Polish writer Andrzej Sapkovsky. The colorful villain does not know the defeat, the root fear of the enemies and the victims of his sadistic intentions. The author did not reveal the character's biography fully. In connection with such a space in information, the cycle fans even suggest that the villain is actually a witcher.

History of character creation

Leo Bonart on nicknamed Cat is one of the most mysterious characters in Sagi. The first appearance of Antigero happened in the fifth book "Baptism of Fire". The plot begins with the fact that the head hunter hires Stefan Sellelen. The head of the special services of the Nilfgaga empire gave the task to the mercenary to catch and kill Princess Cirill.

Dating the cat with the Cirins launched a chain of events that led him to death. The reason for the defeat of the invincible killer was the only weakness - obsession of the idea.

Fate and the image of Leo Bonart

According to the description, the mercenary soldier possessed repulsive appearance. Those who were not lucky enough to face the cat, noted that he had a "non-religious" smirk and "fish" eyes. It is such a look that most often characterizes people with sadistic inclinations.

Leo is a thin man of high growth of advanced years with untidy mustes and gray hair. The hunter for heads did not know the defeat and easily coped with whole groups of warriors.

The mercenary was with her cat medallions, griffin and wolf. It is assumed that these trophies were obtained from the witches, which he killed. However, there are alternative hypotheses. For example, Sagi fans suggest that Leo Bonart himself was a witch who studied at the Cota School (so, one medallion and there is his own).

The reasons why the Witcher suddenly began to fight on the other side, do not disclose. Nevertheless, such a theory looks plausible. She also explains the glass look and the "fish" eyes of Bonart - as a type of mutation that is inherent in every witch.

In addition, the villain immediately recognized where the ceres learned so skillfully fencing.

I heard about the place where they teach so improvised to produce intestines

Judging by this quote, you can suggest that Bonarth himself studied there.

The cat experienced a weakness to cold weapons, which is inextricably linked with his way. In battle used a dagger or a long sword. In the art of fencing, the mercenary could compare even with Heralt from Rivia, although the author did not encounter them with each other.

According to the official version, Leo Bonart is an ordinary person who has not only outstanding physical strength, but also an improved combat technique. Moreover, the killer achieved superiority in skills exclusively thanks to his own perseverance and desire.

In the characteristic of the hero there is no place of pity, weakness or compassion. This is a cruel sadist, who has honed the skill of murder to some perversion. Prices for the services of Leo Bonart are proceedable, but the hunter copes with the task of 100%. An interesting fact is despite the Military Past, Bonart was squeaming. For example, did not endure the type of worms or manure.

Portrait of a cold killer stands by a mansion in a number of other Sagi antagonists. If for Wilgefor, cruelty is a necessary condition for achieving a goal, then for a cat is an integral line of his personality.

In the literary saga about the history of the life of Bonard, a little is known. So, he was engaged in some time by trade, but then decided that the true vocation was professional killings. The narrative is carried out from the moment when the cat performs the job of Stephen Sellen. Parallel to the mercenary is required to destroy the gang of rats.

Without much difficulty, the head hunter kills six gangsters and proceeds to Cirill. Here the killer marks the high art of the girl's fencing and decides to leave her alive to extend moral and physical suffering. So, he puts on the cursions the rail collar, beats and humiliates, causing peacefully to undress.

A little later, having learned about the true origin of the captive, Leo enters into collusion with Wilgefor and Sled, promising to give the girl only if he could personally observe the death of the heiress. But luck smiled with cursions, and the girl managed to escape from the sadist. Bonart traced for a fugitive to the swallow tower, and after joined the duel.

Here with the killer there was something that he had not yet allowed - Bonart underestimated the enemy. Thought in a dead end, the curses remembered training on the "pendulum" in Kaer Morcher and defeated his torch. So, the great hunter for heads and died, hoping his own superiority.

Leo Bonart in films and games

In December 2019, the first season of the American-Polish television series filmed by the books of Angeja Sapkovsky "Witcher" was published. It would be strange if such a colorful character, like Leo Bonart, would not be awarded by Netflix.

Fans Films expect the appearance of a villain in the second or third season of the series. The fact that this antiger will please their cruelty of viewers is a reliable information. So, Lauren Schmidt Huxurich, the screenwriter of the film, described in the post of future kinherman as a person cruel, nasty and ruthless.

About who from the actors will play the role of sadist - Netflix does not yet endure the universal review. In the meantime, the fans of the saga on the forums suggest that the amplua villain is able to show Mads Mikkelsen, Willem Defo or Edward Harris.

The character appeared in "Gwint: The Witcher. CD Projekt Card game in 2018.


You will die, rat. Not afraid? All because you do not know how death looks like. I told you that you are mine! What I will do with you all I want! What no one hurts me! Neither people nor gods, no devils, no demons! Neither Magic Towers! You are mine, the Witcher! I heard about the place where it is taught so improvised to produce intestines. I am ready to argue that our Mazelka knows this place. And I already know who she is.


  • 1996 - "Baptism of Fire"
  • 1997 - "Swallow Tower"
  • 1999 - "Lady Lady"

Computer games

  • 2018 - "Gwint: Witcher. Card game"

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