Alexander Duma-Son - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Books



Giuseppe Verdi repeatedly composed operas on the works of famous authors, whether William Shakespeare (Macbeth) or Victor Hugo (play "King is amused", which turned into Rigoletto). But only in the case of Alexander Duma - the son, according to the book of which the "lady with camellias", the composer wrote "TRAVIATU", the author of the literary source remained in the memory of generations solely due to the opera.

Childhood and youth

The writer was born in July 1824 in the capital of France. The boy was named after the Father - the author "Queen Margo" and "Count Monte Cristo" - Alexander Duma - Senior.

When the sibling of the great novelist himself became a writer, then the word son began to add to the avoidance of confusion. Alexander Junior Brother Henry Bauer, in the age of the one-friendly author "ladies with camellias" in his sons, also became a writer.

As in the case of the heroes of the "Three Musketeers" - D'Artagnan and Constance of Bonashe, the acquaintance of the parents of Alexander Duma - Son took place thanks to his life in the Parisian House. The mother of Marie-Katrin La Laba was older than his father for 8 years and owned a small studio on tailoring and repairing clothes.

The writer did not marry a woman who gave birth to his firstborn, but helped materially and officially recognized (adopted) the eldest son, when the boy was 6.5 years old. The biography of Alexander Duma - the younger was reflected in his books "the extramarital son" and "a prodigal father".

At 9 years old, the boy was given to the guesthouse, where among classmates was the future novelist Edmond de Gonkur. In 1839, Duma Jr. entered the Royal College of Bourbon, now known as Lyceum Shaptal. After 2 years, the young man left the educational institution to become one of the most famous Parisian fashionists.

Personal life

In his youth, Duma-son was like the great Russian thesis of Alexander Pushkin. The external similarity of writers, their ferventness and curly is explained by the fact that among the ancestors of writers there were dark-skinned people. The great-grandfather of the author "Evgenia Onegin" took place from Ethiopia, and her grandmother Alexander Duma - Father - from Haiti. Like Pushkin, duma-son wore Benbard.

In maturity, how much about this can be judged by the photo, the author "Ladies with Camellias" became like a father, with whom a friendly relationship was associated. Also, Alexander was friends with the fantastic Jew, the faithful and writer's lady George Sand, to which he treated as a literary mother.

The Frenchman's personal life was violent and often reflected in his works. So, the former mistress is the Russian aristocrat of Lydia Nesselrod, the writer brought the "Lady with Pearls" in the novel. Romantic relationships associated the writer with actresses Marie Decorative and Eme Dekl.

Alexander's first wife was the widow of Prince Naryshkin's hope, from which he had been the daughter of Marie-Alexandrin-Anriett during the lifetime of her first husband. After the wedding, the spouse gave her husband another heiress chop. However, it was the Marie-Alexandrin Father-drama dedicated the play "Baghdad Princess", a girl from all children and grandchildren was allocated a great grandfather.

The jealousness and the scandalousness of the spouse forced a duma junior to twist an intrigue with Anriette escalier, which was henger for 40 years. After the death of Hope, the writer married his mistress.


The bibliography of the writer includes novels, plays, essays and poems. The first poetic works, later included in the almanac of the "sins of youth", Duma-son wrote in 18 years.

At the same time, the young man saw the Kurtizanka Marie Duplessi. Roman with a peer, famous for beauty, wit and connections with influential French men, among whom was the composer Ferenz Sheet, twisted at Alexander in 1844 and ended in a year at the initiative of the writer.

At 23, the former beloved duma-son died. The cause of the death of a woman was tuberculosis. Shocked Alexander wrote Roman "Lady with Camellias", which then processed into the play. Duplesi - prototype of the main character of Margarita Gauthier.

The basis of many plays and novels in Dumas-son laid the analysis of the ethical foundations. The writer performed for the rights of illegitimate children, for the loyalty of her husbands and divorce as a way to resolve themselves from married themselves. At the same time, Alexander considered the murder of wrong wives with husbands not only admissible, but also due.


Duma-son passed away in late autumn of 1895, 4 months after marriage on the escal. The author of the "Ladies with Camellias" is buried at the Paris Montmartre cemetery in the hundreds of meters from the last refugee Marie Duplessi.

Effigia (sculptural tombstone) on the grave of the writer performed René de Saint-Marceau. He sculpt the sculpture of Duma-son, standing at the Paris Square in the Greevell-Katra, on the opposite corner of which is the monument to the author of the "Three Musketeers" installed in 1883.


  • 1847 - "Adventures of four women and parrot"
  • 1847 - "Sins of youth"
  • 1848 - "Caesarin"
  • 1848 - "Lady with Camellias"
  • 1849-1851 - "Four Restorations"
  • 1851 - "Diana de Lis"
  • 1852 - "Lady with pearls"
  • 1857 - "Monetary Question"
  • 1858 - "Open-American Son"
  • 1859 - "Prodigal Father"
  • 1864 - "Full of Women"
  • 1866 - "Clemento Clement"
  • 1866 - "Memory of the accused"
  • 1873 - "Mr. Alfons"
  • 1881 - Baghdad Princess
  • 1885 - "Deniz"

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