Nonideal children stars: Russian, foreign, ugly, small, photos


Russian and Hollywood celebrities are often becoming an example for imitation: fans copy manners, hairstyles, makeup. Looking at beautiful celebrities, sometimes I want to exclaim: "Oh God, what a man, I want my son from you." In the meantime, the singer Natalie brings up three sons from Alexander Ruddin, the editorial office 24cmi has prepared material on non-ideal children of stars, which nature for some reason decided to create ugly.

Evelin Polna

The daughter of the Russian singer Eva Polna and Handsaw Denis Klyaver Evelyn, at first glance, is similar to Mom. The oval form of a person inherited from Dad adds a small girl angularity, and thin lips are seriousness. Nevertheless, the younger sister of Evelin, the father of which was a businessman Sergey Pilgun, looks very pretty on joint photos.

Dana Prigogin

Dana Prigogina is a vivid example of how deficiencies boldly turn themselves into a plus. Having experienced problems with overweight, the daughter of Joseph's Prigogine was served in the Size + model and even opened his clothing store for full girls. Judging by the children's photos of the "Star" daughter, the courses of the makeup artist also went advantage of: Now the Dana Prigogine is capable of making amazing makeup, although earlier, because of some flaws, it was called "ugly duckling".

Artem Karmanov

The only and beloved son of Russian TV presenter Olga Orlova in 2019 celebrated adulthood. Artem Pockets avoids the press and paparazzi, and the Account in Instagram and closed at all from prying eyes. Of course, the boy is not the most imperfect in this selection, but next to such a brilliant mother is difficult to "hide" for the title of the most beautiful family member.

Amelie Revva

"Oranges will not be born from Olents," the husband signed the publication with a little Amelie Angelica Revva. In the younger daughter of the stellar couple, the features of those of both parents were mixed. Whether the beautiful model will come out of it - it is not yet known. In the meantime, the fans of the showman and singer are touched by the big eyes of Amelie and a small nose.

Christopher Schwarzenegger

Hollywood actor and bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2020 will be 73 years old, and the man still conquers women with an excellent body and a courageous smile. What you can not say about the younger son of celebrities.

Christopher Schwarzenegger raises the disapproval of fans due to overweight problems, because before the eyes always an example of a father, nevertheless, Christopher does not complex about this and perfectly feels perfectly against the background of the other four Arni offspring.

Isabella Cruz

7 children with stars with

Isabella Cruz did not inherit the bright and charismatic appearance of the most pretty Hollywood parents, Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, because it is a reception. The girl leads a closed lifestyle and visits Scientology School. Nevertheless, according to the fans of the acting family, if the daughter of Star Parents will reset the weight and will change the hairstyle, it will be completely able to move with Hollywood beauties.

Kelly Osborne

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Liposuction, rhinoplasty and experiments with a length and color of the hair made from Ozzy Osborne's daughter Beauty. Extravagant appearance Kelly Osborne attracts the attention of the audience. So, for publishing the girls in Instagram watches more than 2 million fans. By 2020, the daughter of the British rock singer was very thin, why in the media it was stopped called "Ugly Dutch".

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