Philavandrel (character) - Photo, author, Angey Sapkovsky, image, description, actor


Character History

Philavandrel NEN Fidail - the secondary character of the Saga Angea Sapkovsky about the Witcher, the elf from the Blue Mountains. The arrogant leader of his race, he does not want to see anything good in humans, and even the death of the fellows is not able to push him to cooperate.

History of character creation

Philavandrel AEP Fidail comes from the genus of the Vehires with white ships. This means that his ancestors were among the first elves that settled on the continent.

In the books, the elf first appears in the story of the "Edge of Light", at the very moment, when the buttercup and heralet are preparing to die from his hands. He stops a fight Witcher with Torouveliel, but does not perceive his attempts to "reach" and coldly applies to the proposal to organize mutually beneficial exchange and cooperation with people. By order of the philavandrel of friends, almost executed, saves them only the intercession of Silvana. Before parting, however, he recognizes the correctness of the words of Geralta from Rivia, but it makes it clear that he prefers death on the battlefield coexistence with a human race.

In the "Arrival Hour", the Elf appears as the adviser Queen Francestka Findabair. He manifests himself a patient and wise adviser who avoid open conflicts, discourages it from hasty actions and even allows himself to bother the monacula, as if an elderly father. This book is revealed by other important characteristics of the hero, for example, what philavandrel is a skillful tactic and a strategist who can find a way out of any situation.

Fate and image of philavandrel

In the book, Philavandrel is described as prominent handsome: Long snow-white hair make up a bright contrast with impermeable black eyes, and the sharp elven ears do not disturb the harmony of the majestic appearance. The hero wears a bandage on his head, covered with emeralds, and riding a luxurious hill, whose magnificent mane coincides with its televir. The writer marks the traits of fatigue in his appearance - under the eyes of Philavandrel, dark circles, as if he spent the night without sleep. The hero, and the truth, sleeps little, but the fatigue for him is not a lack of rest, but a grave cargo of problems and lived years.

The character owns a common speech and speaks on it without an accent. He is not deprived of magical abilities, in particular telepathic.

Like other representatives of their race, Philavandrel Gord, is arrogant and belongs to people with undisguised contempt, which is confirmed by quotes from books. His pride eats the slightest interaction with the "lower" creatures - even to trade, change and negotiate with them, he considers unacceptable. At the same time, the hero is aware that the elves are doomed to a quick extinction, and painfully it is experiencing. To protect the relatives, the phylavandrel is ready for deception, and for meanness; On the one hand, the hero declares that sow death without a reason badly, in another - does not make it difficult to find a suitable motive or a reason for killing in any situation.

Elf's biography - Pepling and eventful events. He wandered asylum for decades for their people. Thanks to the longevity, Philavandrel managed to acquire a multitude of skills, mainly those concerning survival. It is not given a hero of agriculture: like all elves, he remembers those times when the Earth gave everything without processing itself, and the fact that to obtain grain now has to work with a hoe and plow, simply does not fit in his mind. The author mentions that for a long time the character has lived among people, so well mastered the common speech, but this experience brought him only bitter disappointment.

In the book, the abnormality and cruelty are more inherent in the young elves, but Philavandrel retains these features to mature years. With age, he though became a little calmer, but remained exposed to flashes of rage. The image of arrogant xenophobes is complemented by a cloudiness: he does not notice nor nobles or other positive features in people, but years remembers the slightest insults. The piercing human race for exposure to passions, Philavandrel does not notice how he placed anger and Gordin.

Unrestrained xenophobia is not distributed on all residents of the continent. Krasnolyudam and Dwarf Elf relates tolee than to people at least able to interact normally with them if necessary and does not devote angry monologues to their bad preferences and habits.

Philavandrel in films

In the Polish TV series "Witcher" with Mikhal Zhrabrovsky, Daniel Olbrykh is played in the lead role of Philavandrel. With a book description, he does not have much in common, except that white hair. At the time of filming, the actor was already 57 years old, while in Saga Elf into solid, even by the standards of their race, the years looked young, although tired.

In the new serial of 2019, the role of Philavandrel played Tom Canton. Critics agreed that to reveal the character of the hero did not come out due to the crumpled plot: for example, a story with the search and the capture of Silvana, who led Geralhal with the Lutchik to Elves, took just a dozen minutes of screen time. An interesting fact: in the film, the leader of the race and his supporters are shown even more cruel than in the book. Spectators even compared them with terrorists and SSEs. It has already been stated that Hounton's hero will be involved in the second season "Witcher".

In computer games based on saga, the character Philavandrel does not appear. Only in the 3rd part of its image is present on the map designed to play in the Gwint.


The sun shines otherwise, the air is another, the water is no longer the one. What we have eaten than used, dies, degenerates, sore, disappears ... Why do you avoid my view, a strange person? How do you manage to coexist with the neighbors, from which you, by the way, are a little different? Why do you, people, will not finally understand that your dominion over the world is no more natural than those of the lice spread in Tulup? With the same success, you could suggest me to coexist with the lice, with the same attention I would have listened to the lice if we were agreed upon for the recognition of their supremacy to co-use Tulup ...


  • 1993 - "Last desire"
  • 1995 - "Hour of contempt"
  • 1996 - "Baptism of Fire" (mention)


  • 2002 - "Witcher"
  • 2019 - "Witcher"

Computer games

  • 2015 - "Witcher 3: Wild Hunt"

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