Anna Muzychenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Yuri Muzychenko 2021



Anna Muzychenko - a versatile pop person. Woman sings, writes poems, goes to the stage as a clownes and filmed in the clips. Wife Star of Russian Music Yuri Muzychenko is not afraid to appear to the audience in a wig, in which the hair is screwed into beer banks, like on curlers.

Childhood and youth

The actress was born in the family of residents of Tyndinsky district of the Amur region of Sergey and Lyudmila. Maiden name Anna - Nikitina. Now the population of Tonds is almost 2 times less than when Cloinesss went to kindergarten. On the question of who he wants to be when he grows, Little Anya answered: "Bride".

Until the 9th grade Anna lived with his parents in the Evenkie villages of Ust-Ust-Urkim (this is the village specified in Cloanese as a place of birth) and Larba, so sometimes a woman reports that he is a representative of rare and extinct nationality. To finish the 10th and 11th grades, the girl settled in Tynda at her grandmother.

On the "Vkontakte" page, the year of birth women is hidden. But in an interview, this Anastasia Safronova, Anna admitted that her husband's older. The age difference is 5 years. Yuri was born in 1987, consequently, Anna - in 1982. This year of birth is indicated and on the Actress page in Odnoklassniki.

Before entering the theater university, a native of Siberia managed to receive a higher legal education in Blagoveshchensk: Mom Lyudmila considered the profession of the actress, about which a daughter was dreaming, frivolous. At the Law Faculty of Nikitin was a star of the student theater and strengthened in thought to tie a biography with the scene.

After receiving a diploma of Lawyer Anya and Mom went to St. Petersburg, which was never before, and submitted documents to the Theater Academy. The talents of the girl appreciated only the cast of the stage.

Personal life

At first, Nikitina, who performed the head of the head of his senior, ignored young music. But the talents of the guy who was able to play the violin, guitar and drums, and his devotion melt the heart of Ani. Yuri, who lived with his parents in Gatchina, came to Nikitina to a hostel on Vasilyevsky Island in early morning to go to the classes on the Moss Street.

Lovers first kissed, when Anna Shila Curtain for the Theater "Lyedie", where both of them had to work. The actress at all is a needlewoman and scenic outfits will often mastherite on their own. She also sews a copy of his suits for the daughter of Lisa.

The girl who was born in November 2010 made mom and dad to think about the arrangement of the family nest. When Anna was pregnant, the spouses of music, previously lived with Yura's parents, bought an apartment in the center of St. Petersburg in the mortgage.

According to Ani and Yura, Lisa inherited their talents. In an interview with 2019, the mother told that the daughter was abandoned by a violin, but engaged in an enthusiastic school. Photos girls often appear in the "instagram" of parents.

Yuri Muzychenko in an interview repeatedly stressed that if it were not for the wife, defending alcoholism, because in early youth, he was fond of alcoholic beverages. Anna is disposed of family budget. During the day, the spouses can quarrel 10 times and make so much hot.

Personal life Muzychenko closely intertwined with creativity. From life and family days are born by jokes and "memories" of clownesses.


Anna, like the spouse, combines work at the "Lyedie" theater with a musical career. In the group The Hatters ("Hats"), a woman acts as a back-vocalist, organizer and inspirer. After the concert, Anna often declares their poems to the public.

The team, which emerged in 2016 and quickly became popular, sometimes compared with the early "Leningrad" Sergey Shnurov. The Hatters is part of the Little Big project. Twice "Hats", who sometimes sow Anna Lychadaeva on back-vocals, were guests of the show of the Channel One Evening Urgant.

An important place in the life of the spouses of Muchichenko is occupied by Tatta Studio Backstage Tatto, created in 2014. Anna and Yuri - director and inspirations of the company.

Anna Muzychenko now

On your birthday, March 15, 2020, in the "Lyedie" theater Anna introduced a new Bathroom's monospectacle to the Hatters music. According to the plot, the Character Muchchenko reveals herself woken in someone else's bathroom. According to the tradition of "Gedishev", a closed view of the presentation for colleagues and relatives was held in six months before the premiere.

In April-May 2020, the actress was going to participate in the tour of The Hatters in the cities of Russia, Ukraine, Germany and Israel with a check-in in the capital of the Baltic States and Budapest. To the tours of the group timed the output of the clip on the song "The Last Hero". The composition has become a musical screensaver of the transmission of the TV-3 channel.

However, the tour was canceled due to a coronavirus pandemic. This force majeure caused by the abolition of the Eurovision contest in 2020, in which Russia was supposed to represent the Little Big group, including the husband Anna Yuri Muzychenko.

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