Leading "Eagle and Dishki" (2020): girls, names, biography, new


Show "Eagle and Rusk", which is broadcast on the TV channel "Friday", originated in 2011. Each traveler, despite the exposure of the flasher, would like to be in the frame of an extraordinary project. And if I did not dream, I would not refuse from the bottle from one hundred dollars. What did the leading popular show "Eagle and Rushka" look like glory, - in the editorial material 24cm.

Anton Ptushkin

What did leading looked

The names of the famous leading "Eagle and Dish" replenished Anton Ptushkin. Young man since childhood heavily to art and clubs. He worked as a DJ, engaged in the note of the tracks, the event was led. Charismatic appearance, attractive curls have become a pass to the world of television.

However, in the project, Anton worked for a year, after which the reasons left without explanation. Different assumptions appeared in the media, but later it turned out that in the head of the Ukrainian there was a brilliant idea of ​​creating his own video blog about traveling. Almost three million people signed on Anton Ptushkin's canal.

Nastya Ivelev

What did leading looked

Collaborate with Travel-Show Nastya Ivelev became in 2017. As the girl itself admitted, popularity in the project is dictated by the achievements in Bloging. "By the way, I really made himself" Teffi ". True, I thought to get it being the leading "eagle and ripe", but it turned out still cooler. I received them two and for an exceptionally personal project, "Elder's wife boasted under photographs from the archive in Instagram.

Nastya and before, and after the glory made focus on natural beauty, hairstyles and hair color changed over time. In addition, things from the mass market changed to brand, giving a girl an informal look.

Alina Astrovskaya

What did leading looked

Alina Astrovskaya belongs to the new generation of TV presenters "Eagle and Dishki", joining the film crew in 2018. And then, and now the fans note the incredible external similarity with Regina Todorenko (together they sang as part of the group Real O), but there are no related ties in the girls.

Alina since childhood showed itself as a creative person: sang, wrote poems, danced. However, only music and travel shows are firmly settled in her life, and for shooting in the "sea season" Astrovskaya lost weight by 8 kg. The girl is not afraid to experiment with hair length, but in 2020, Locons "under Kare" were a personal trend.

Regina Todorenko

What did leading looked

The path of Regina Todorenko to the glory began with the "Star Factory". Coming out in the number of finalists, the Ukrainian singer performed as part of the group Real O. The interest of the public and the glory of the Regina brought exactly the project "Eagle and Rushka", the leading of which it became in 2014.

It is worth noting that the textured appearance of the girl did not change: the same long wavy hair, a progress and radiant smile. The meticulous fans indicated that the changes were eased, which became wider and curd, but it should be taken into account that the fashion for such a form arose relatively recently.

Andrey Bednyakov

What did leading looked

Andrei Pozhnyakov stands at the origins of the show "Eagle and Rushka", and his creative biography is closely connected with the TV channel "Friday". As a former participant of the Higher League of KVN of Ukraine recognized, casting in Travel-show turned out to be the day of him not easy, but productive and starry. A charming smile and beard is a permanent "business card" of the actor and before, and during fame.

Jeanne Badoev

What did leading looked

The first woman-leading and ideological inspirer, in collaboration invented the format of the show "Eagle and Rusk", which was still broadcast on the Inter TV channel, became Zhanna Badoeva. The woman did not change at all compared with the photo of 2011 and also remains an attractive blonde with one and a half million subscribers on the Instagram platform.

Alan Badoev

What did leading looked

Alan Badoev lived in tandem with Jeanne Badoevo not only in the show "Eagle and Rusk", but also in real life. In 2012, the couple terminated the marriage bonds, and the man left the project, deciding to devote all their strength to the basic type of activity - directing.

Fame Alan brought work on musical clips, he is respected by both Russian and foreign performers. Previously, a man possessed the usual appearance, and by 2020 it worked as an image and hairstyle, which added charming.

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