Joseph Bois - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Pictures



German artist Josef Bois was the theorist of postmodernism, the style that was reflected in most of his mature works. In the installation performances of the wizard, which bordered with theatrical performances, a hare or a real wild coyote could appear.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Josef Boisa began in May 1921 from birth in the family of a German merchant and his young wife. The house of the future artist was located in the North Rhine-Westphalia, on the shores of the picturesque Western European River.

As a child, the boy received an education in a Catholic school, and then in the gymnasium and, showing talent for drawing, stand out among students. He was also engaged in music on the classes of piano and cello and enthusiastically read the works of classical German authors.

Zoology and medicine were believed to be beloved Joseph, and one day it saved a scientific treatise from the destruction of the Nazis. Having matured, following the example of the comrades, the young man joined the "Hitlergendan" society and until 1941 remained a member of the NSDAP organization.

In high school classes, the future artist took care of animals in the circus, and then signed up in Luftwaffe and voluntarily went to the front. He participated in the Crimean battles in the post of Arrow-bomber and miracle did not die in the plane, who lost the dead pilot.

After the unconditional surrender of Germany, Boice was captured to the British, but after 2 months he freed himself and returned home safely. By 1945, he decided to professionally engage in art and permanently end up with the past associated with bloody war.

Having received a higher education in the Dusseldorf Art Academy, the young master created a party from applicants and professors. After collisions with the German authorities, who did not support the idea of ​​student equality, Boice stopped interested in politics and freed from government shackles.

Personal life

The personal life of Joseph Bois Mercla against the background of an outstanding creativity, but it was attended by Eve's wife who gave birth in marriage two children. The chosen not participated in the performances and did not get into the lenses of photographers, but, judging by the published information, remained with her husband until the end of days.


Boice began as a traditional artist who showed ability to schedule and painting, as evidenced by a series of early storyline miniatures. In the pictures, recalled primitive rock paintings, he depicted plants, animals and a number of human figures.

Later, the master became interested in sculpture and began to make impressionistic tombstones filled with religious mystics and frightening most people. And in the mid-1960s, Joseph moved to the art of performance and with the help of installations with unexpected items began to embody his own ideas.

The German works of this period became samples of the flow of Flyuxus, which originated in Europe in the 1950-1960s. Flooding creativity, the opposed majority of academic genres, was reflected in Hepthening, street promotions, antithethra and decollages.

A feature of the art objects of Joseph, created in this style, became unexpected materials: fat, cheese, felt and felt. In the works, they created a sense of alienation and attempts to merge with nature into the pagan, Shaman's manner.

In 1965, the Performance of Boys "How to explain the paintings by the dead hare" took place in the Düsseldorf Gallery. Walking through the halls with an adhesion of an animal with a head, pledged honey, resembled the audience outside the hall a strange magic game.

However, for the author, these actions were full of symbolic meaning, which was attempting to explain art with silent words. Critics, who saw a photo of the German, sitting with a dead satellite on a chair, in magazines and newspapers wrote that this is a mona lisa of new centuries.

In 1974, the master demonstrated a submission called "I love America, and America loves me." He, wrapped in a blanket from felt, locked in an isolated room and conducted alone with a wild coyote of a temporary length of 3 days.

Another famous project was considered an action at the Documenta exhibition, during which the artist planned to plant 7 thousand oaks. Shortly before this event, the work of Boys was shown in New York, and they shook the American audience, journalists and critics.


In the last years of life, Boice made a theorist of postmodernism and, trying to promote this art, participated in the elections to the Bundestag. And after death, due to a heart attack on January 23, 1986, the retrospective of the art objects of Joseph caused real allocrants in Europe.


  • 1958 - "Actresses"
  • 1960 - "King's daughter sees Iceland"
  • 1961-1975 - "Two sheep's heads"
  • 1962 - "Siberian Symphony, Part 1"
  • 1964 - "Chair with fat"
  • 1965 - "How to explain the paintings by the dead hare"
  • 1966 - "Homogeneous Infiltration for Piano"
  • 1969 - Sani
  • 1970 - "felt suit"
  • 1974 - "Coyote: I love America, and America loves me"
  • 1981 - Terereoto ("Earthquake")
  • 1982 - "7000 oaks"
  • 1985 - "Capri Battery"

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