Film "Garden Ring" (2018): Actors and Roles, Content, Release Date


June 18, 2018 - the release date of a multi-sized dramatic film with elements of a detective and thriller "Garden Ring" on the first channel. The series tells about the life of representatives of the modern Russian middle class. According to the creators, this movie is unusual, witness and modern. The film has a limit 16+. On the plot and the content of the series, as well as interesting facts about the picture - in the material 24cm.


The main heroine of the series is Vera Smolina (Maria Mironova), which has everything that every woman dreams: family happiness, home and love. However, Idilly collapses as a card house, when the son of faith Ilya disappeared without a trace, and the husband (Anatoly White) went bankrupt and now should have a huge amount of money.

The main character begins his own investigation, which helps her "open eyes" and look at the world around at a different angle. Attempts to find a son lead to understanding that her happy world was just the fruit of her imagination, but the reality is too cruel. Close people are actually traitors and liars. Faith wants to find Son Ilya and start a new life.

Interesting Facts

1. The director's chair went to Alexei Smirnov (son of director Andrei Smirnova), for which this work became the debut in the world of movies as a director. At the time of the start of the shooting, Alexey turned 24 years old. All members of the director's family also appeared in the series.

2. The director-novice was not easy to organize film processors for the actors in the traditional form, so the casting became the beginning of the shooting - the material filmed on the samples included in the series.

3. The film premiere took place in 2017 at the Omsk Film Festival "Movement".

4. The scenario of the multi-sized film "Garden Ring" was created for more than a year. Anna Kozlova became the author of the script for the film, the author of scandalous novels and screenwriter of famous Russian TV series - "A short course of happy life", "9 days and one morning."

5. An interesting fact is also that, as decorations for filming housing, the families of the main characters used a real Moscow apartment in which people live.

6. Psychiatric clinic in frames is also a real medical institution in which the maniacs and killer are being treated. Patients were isolated during the shooting time, however, the creators managed to convey a specific atmosphere.

7. A non-standard solution of a creative nature was the idea of ​​the director about the "four-hour" structure of the film. In the series there was a place for drama, melodramas, detective and original genre, which Smirnov calls her beloved "everyone was crazy."

8. The series after entering the screens has become an object of versatile criticism. Some expressed the opinions about the fact that this film is Satira about Russian television, and not just about the lives of people inside the Garden Ring. Others saw political subtext and called the film "Reflection of Time". And the third considered that the "Garden Ring" belongs to the genre of the Black Comedy.

9. The series Valery Todorovsky did not get into the Prime-Time, which at that time was tightly busy matches of the World Cup. However, the director himself considers even this gift, since such frank projects, as a rule, no road on television. According to him, the "Garden Ring" - "Experiment, who managed to get on the ether."

Film Trailer "Garden Ring":

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