Emiel Regis (Character) - Photo, Author, Angey Sapkovsky, Image, Description


Character History

Regis - one of the central characters of the literary fantasy saga about the Witcher created by the Polish writer Andrzej Sapkovsky. The hero appears in several books, and also appears later in a number of computer games. Mysterious and attractive, regis is belonging to the highest order vampire, he is immortal. The character is characteristic of the refinement, the depth of thought, dignity in behavior and other.

History of character creation

For the first time appears on the pages of books about the Witcher in the novel "Baptism of Fire". The author gives a detailed characteristic of the hero, a detailed description of the appearance of the vampire. Before readers, the character appears a thin man of middle-aged, whose appearance resembles the type of collector's supplies. In black hair, it was already emerging, the face decorates a purest nose with a hubber, and the eyes are cast by anthracite glitter. It dwells in the crypt in the cemetery of Mer Lash.

The hero is in no hurry to tell others about belonging to vampires. Therefore, when smiling, does not squeeze the lips - the vampire fangs are not visible. From the clothes on registers, when the hero is in the image of Lekary, - Black Balahon, on top of it the apron. Later, clothing is changing on shabby Camcole, black pants and shoes. In addition, the vampire carries with him a torch with various herbs to mask his own smell of animals that can identify his vampire essence.

Among the internal qualities of the hero is coolness, prudence, wisdom and erudition. The vampire retains calm regardless of the seriousness and danger of the situation. The dignity of the image is the ability to control emotions, make decisions of decisions. Among people, Regis lives not the first hundred years - during this time a man has learned to mimicry among people. Endowed with courage and courage, ready to sacrifice himself for friends. Knowing a lot, likes to expressly express themselves, which become popular quotes.

Fate and the image of regis

There is no information about childhood in the biography of the hero. It is known that the full name of the character - Emiel Regis Rogellec TERZYUFFF-Godfra. About the years of youth and further fate, the characteristics of the life of vampires hero tells Heralt from Rivia and his friends a fascinating story. The vampire admits that it currently does not drink blood, as he lost skill. When was young, together with other vampires, often indulged in raising fun.

Blood produced on them the same effect as wine. Higher vampires did not need her to survive, like their other relatives. Bloody drinks were needed only to raise the mood and gaining courage. Later, the regis is so fascinated by the "clocks", which no longer needed the company of friends, drank often. Even the novel with one vampire did not stop the hero to "bloody pleasure." After parting with the girl, the character doubled his zeal.

One day, the young vampire committed an unsuccessful "hunt" - Emiel caught the locals, cut off the hero of the head, pinned stoles and buried. In the grave, the character spent 50 years, during which time managed to fully recover and comprehend his life path. From this time, the man stopped drinking. In addition, the hero is annoying many myths and legends relating to the vampire lifestyle, tells a lot of interesting facts.

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When the regis is getting acquainted with Herallet from Rivia, Lutikik, Golden, and other participants in the troops of the Witcher, it is a physician and scientists. Thanks to the thin sentence, he learns that Heralt was recently wounded, and then joins the detachment. Heroes follow the refugee camp, and when they come to it, find the process of trial over the "Witch". To save the girl, prove her sinlessness, it is necessary to pull out a hot horseshoe out of the fire. Emiel easily performs this test.

Soon, the travelers are surrounded by Nilfgard's connants. Geralt and buttercups are captured. Thanks to particular abilities, the vampire shifts the guard and frees the witch and poet. The Witcher is convinced in the vampire nature of the hero, thanks that, but reports that they never reset it better. Nevertheless, the registers remain with the warriors, helps the nutics to cope with a serious injury. Having confessed in what is a vampire, the character leaves the camp.

Returning after a while the hero travelers take a welcome. Heralt also exhibits a character to the character, but does not lose vigilance. The Witcher knows that the vampire, with all nobility and decent behavior, can be dangerous. Passing a series of tests along with Emiel, the heroes are convinced of his friendly intentions. The path of "troops" is now in the castle of Stigga, where Vilgefortz from Roggeneen with accomplices hide with cierill.

In the castle, the vampire convinces the guards to open the gate, drinks the blood of Warriors sled and, yielding to the long-being forgotten euphoria, begins to kill opponents without parsing. Having lost their vigilance, the hero enters the battle with Wilhegan and almost won the victory over the villain. However, at the last moment he breaks the vampire to the part, emphasizes a white flame. The character along with the column is melted and turns into a shapeless mass.

Regis in films and games

Additional storylines about the life of the hero are included in the computer game "Witcher 3: Wild Hunting" (Supplement "Blood and Wine"). It turns out that Emiel did not die in the battle, and fell into a state resembling death. The character can recover thanks to the blood of another vampire, Detlaff. Between the characters is born strong friendship.

Then registers returns to the dillingen and engaged in healing. Soon hero is departed in Tussten - now Detlaff needs help. There, the vampire is found with Heralt.


What we do not have, we can easily replace what we have. All this is an exceptionally question of the initiative and positive thinking. Any dream, if he is delayed for a long time, turns into a nightmare .... such a point of view is nothing but a convenient fatalism, diffilaments of excess and vysunnia ...


  • 1996 - "Baptism of Fire"
  • 1997 - "Swallow Tower"
  • 1998 - "Lady Lady"

Computer games

  • 2015 - "Witcher 3: Wild Hunt"

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